
You ok, man?

Because having health insurance tied to your employment is a powerful incentive to remain in your company’s employ.

1st Gear: Since employers spend so damn much on ever-escalating health insurance costs for their workers, I don’t understand why many businesses oppose Medicare for all or some other form of *gasp* government-run/sponsored healthcare. If I ran a company with thousands of employers, I would be all for Medicare for all

The Highlander is basically a minivan that’s made less functional and more ‘tarted up’ so it doesn’t look like a minivan. I genuinely don’t get why those things sell at all. Either you hate minivans, in which case just get a 4Runner or Rav4 because the first is what you want and the second is what you can afford

Any manufacturer that makes cars both here and in Europe makes their cars so they or they can easily be modified to meet either place’s crash standards. Ford and Volkswagen to name two obvious ones.

Kind of like playing on the ignorance of marginal tax rates.

Right but the crossover efficiency requirements are lumped together with the likes of body on frame SUVs and trucks. They are classified as utility vehicles and as far as the regs are concerned help offset the requirements of trucks rather than hurt cars

1st Gear: Yes, car makers are making too many cars, but not just that, they are making too many of the same car.

What they mean is that it might cut into profits, and more importantly executive salaries, slightly and they don’t want to give up a little money for a greater good. It is the good old American “screw you, I got mine” attitude at work, yet again.

If anything, the fuel economy standards are not strict enough. You can meet the standards without a single electric car. In some categories like large light trucks, you can even do it without a single hybrid!

They can meet EPA standards, they just aren’t building the right cars. European cars would meet U.S. fuel economy standards. They have smaller engines and chassis. What they are really saying is “We can’t meet the EPA guidelines with an F-150.” which, of course, you dumb shits. Build smaller cars with smaller engines

2nd Gear: Until the consumer has strong incentive to buy more efficient vehicles, this will continue to be a problem. When consumers all want 5000 lb SUVs, of course it’s going to be difficult to meet requirements.

Banking on miserable people in a country full of disarray giving in to your lower-perceived-quality brand because they no longer have affordable options is a very weird strategy

Cars keep getting more expensive, the amount of money/loan payments are going to keep getting more expensive. The problem is wage growth not matching or exceeding consumer goods.

No, but it does give it electrical problems and oil leaks.

C’mon, what’s the big deal? Many of those platforms have made it nearly 15 years by now without a full on replacement. The fact that the *insert*[Tundra/Sequoia/4Runner/GX/Tacoma] platform can go that long with only minor refreshes is just a testament to how good they are!

True, but that rear seat is freaking awesome for dogs.  And if you fold it down you probably have triple the storage capacity of the Supra.

ewww, that is a gross thought. Please go rethink you priorities and say three Hail Marys to atone for your sins.

Buy a WRX

What is it about pickups? What do they do that I can’t do? What is it! Tell me, please, god, I’m a shell without you.