
No one believes it, but the BRZ’s paddles/manual mode are both very good for those of us with budgetary constraints.

That’s a different drink. Half & Half is Guinness and Harp (lager). Black & Tan is Guinness and Bass (ale). The difference is Harp is Irish, Bass is English.

I was planning on buying a new Subaru three months ago, but the dealer did dealer things and I walked, knowing they’ll be much more likely to play nice in a year.

As I’ve aged, my car choices have shrunk until I recently purchased the smallest, most honest driver’s car I could find (in a certain price range) - The BRZ. Never going back. #Smol4Lyfe

What sales issue? They sell as many as they want to. I don’t think people understand you have to order this car in many cases (such as mine).

Looks like a G35. I think this is the rare case a production car looks better than its concept.

That’s precisely how to drive this car. Keep rpms above 3,000 and it drives like a dream. I just treat it like my motorcycle and I rarely encounter the dreaded “torque dip.”

I was really expecting this to be an essay about Buck Bokai - the only baseball player anyone remembers in the 24th century.

I’ve tried twice in my life to buy a Jetta. Both times the dealership was so awful to me and their financing so poor, I went elsewhere (Saturn and Toyota). They expect you to accept their lousy treatment and terms unconditionally to buy their vehicles, which as you said, are really no different than their competitors’.

I grew up wanting that mini 328.

That’s no Mustang. That’s an FR-S/BRZ/86.

Do manufacturers realize that electric cars require a charging solution at home - which is not available to most people who don’t own a home? Apartment dwellers, Condo leasers, home renters, etc. are all left out of the electric car sphere until charging is much more convenient and/or a very serious infrastructure

I never comment.

Vintage bug? I rolled one under these exact circumstances.

Neither myself nor any of the riders I know practice or condone lane splitting. I think if we could get the public straight on nomenclature, we could legalize filtering and solve a lot pf motoring problems.


Not fair to state an opinion, then pivot and declare anyone disagreeing with that opinion should “save themselves.” You can’t pre-parry and be taken seriously.

How about fewer cutesy callbacks and Easter eggs, and more actual Star Trek in their new generic space battle show?

Your publication openly applauds the F-150 “Lightning”, then wonders why there’s a $117K Shelby truck?

They’re called PENGUINS on Earth, nerds!