Try an 8-ball of high fiber cereal and Taco Bell.
Try an 8-ball of high fiber cereal and Taco Bell.
Don’t worry:
I am truly enjoying reading this sports blog.
Given the trend on streaming services to make shows 8 to 12 episodes long that end with cliffhangers that won’t resolve for a year IF they’re not canceled before then, and never actually resolve the main storyline, I find the season long self contained storylines here refreshing.
Predictably explosive is what I call my morning BMs.
I think Ken Block did that better than anyone when he tried racing WRC. I think he crashed out almost every race he was in.
Russia’s return to villain status could not come soon enough for Hollywood.
Jim Ryan: “Where’s the bomb?”
But does it have anything to do with sports, and sticking to them?
A lot of successful writers have weird tics and obsessions like that which avid readers like and others find just kind of odd. Clancy is all about obsessive detail over military hardware, Michael Crichton would footnote his novels to show off all his research, and G.R.R. Martin painstakingly describes every morsel of…
I watched the first season and it was exactly as described by those fake German words.
There ought to be one of those compound German words to describe Amazon’s Jack Ryan—something like langeweilierrregung (“boring-exciting”) or vergessbarververgnugen (“forgettable fun”).
I can’t possibly imagine what else you could be referencing. Certainly nothing applicable to this site or its ownership comes to mind!
Seems like a bad day to be a popular entity with some takes on capitalism.
And here’s an even better email address:
Damn, they really did take it down.
In recent days, many G/O employees have publicly and privately criticized a new seven-figure advertising deal that has clogged the websites with irritating auto-play videos. On Monday afternoon, Deadspin posted an article on its site noting that the G/O editorial staff was “upset with the current state of our site’s…
In light of recent editorial directives for this site, the following comment will only be sports related:
Spanfeller and Maidment can fuck themselves with broken cricket bats.