Well, it’s something.
Well, it’s something.
Was Take a Hike, Kevin taken?
Mamoa is the kind of guy who would take you out, get you drunk as holy fuck, but ensure you had a ride home, along with a glass of water and ibuprofen next to your bed. Don’t know why he’s doing this, but I think he’s cool as fuck.
I don’t know. I think I want to see this thing.
Problem is that when they find out it’s an Assembly Cut, meaning it’s made well before the CGI was added to the movie, they’ll just demand “The Real Snyder Cut”.
I guess if they wanted to imply happiness they would’ve called it, The Good Morning Show. Also reminds me that I work with someone who has responded with ,”Is it?”, when someone said, “Good morning.”.
This is the exact thing I needed to read after my coworker spent the last five minutes gushing about Scaramucci’s current face-saving cable news tour.
So you’re finally on the Bitcoin train, eh?
One more reason to hate golf.
The feeling is mutual and I love your articles.
You’re telling me that the dude who shot his brother over a chain, isn’t looking out for his “friends”?
Look at the multiple photos of Gooddell and Jay-Z laughing like a bunch of fat cats with each other and you’ll realize that this was done mainly for profit, not change. Black ownership in the NFL is certainly a great thing to have more of, but I share your cynicism when it comes to this matter.
I’m sick of all of these motherfuckers. Happy Monday, have a blessed week.
Bonus points for reference.
“Taller than average honorary black belt James Cameron is also a visionary and gifted graphic artist.”
How the heck did we get here, America?
You gotta hand it to Facebook... if there’s a way to make something unethical, they’ll find it. If there isn’t, they’ll invent one.
...Mr. Mark Zuckerberg, professes a mythology of togetherness after creating a program to rate how hot his college classmates were...
This most recent criticism comes from a site in Austin, Texas, led by Accenture, an independent contractor Facebook hired to oversee 1,500 of its content moderators. Accenture and Facebook also employ trauma counselors, a.k.a. “wellness coaches,” to help staff cope after screening all that potentially graphic content…