
Why do you have to go to rural QC to see racists? That’s the whole provincial schtick.

2/ As rednecked and racist as some of the folks in Alberta are, and as much as they’re trying so hard to be Texas North, redneck racists abound across this country with rural Quebec and New Brunswick being worse than anything I’ve seen out west.

Dear Cops/First Responders/Soldiers/whatever brand of badged workers, the right wing worships and loves you only so long as you are acting in support of them and their profits. Step out of line and you’re their enemy just as much as any “damn libruls”.
If the traitors on Jan. 6 beating a cop with a US flag didn’t drive

Just want to clarify that the Critical Infrastructure Defence Act isn’t best described as a “Canadian law”, because it’s a provincial (Alberta) law. The fun part is that the very conservative provincial government pretty clearly enacted it to be used against Indigenous and other “leftist” protestors that they didn’t

For what it’s worth, Oilberta has always been like that.

*Western Canada* - FIFY

Nothing a little boiling water and a suction cup can’t fix.

Ok. Slowly and clearly.

The GTO is the worst? How quickly you forget the Volare Road Runner and Aspen R/T.

Legitimately, when I quickly looked at the photo thought this was a cryptocurrency site aimed at the gay community.

They just need to upgrade it to LGBTQ, to show their commitment to Trump and Q-Anon. Print it on a rainbow background to make it cheerful.

Can we all just ‘accidentally’ refer to it as LGBTcoin until it goes away?

I don’t think F1 can call itself a sport in the 21st century if drivers can still easily buy their way into the world championship.

F1 hasn’t been a sport since DRS was added. 

It was a season full of bullshit all, around, really.  Not surprising this is how it ended.

I’m sure he’s devastated.

Or Perez for that matter. Though Checo doesn’t seem like the type. 

It changes nothing.

Running around putting out fires/offering to help medically isn’t parading around with it.

As a Canadian, this verdict is absolutely insane to me. You guys know it's not the Wild West anymore, right?