
Shut it down. You win the internets today.

Nascar has never been a huge fan of Live Streaming.

100x this. A CART Reynard, Lola, Penske, or Swift from back in that day powered by a then-current Ford, Honda, or Mercedes/Ilmor would trash the new cars all day long. It’s just the rules and safety have moved on.

Yes, this. CART was running faster than this in 1998.

I maintain late 90s CART is the best era of racing ever. Those cars were absolute beasts and fast as hell. Not to mention gorgeous. 3-4 chassis manufacturers, two tires suppliers, 3-4 engines suppliers, diverse tracks, and deep talent. Really a golden age.

Case in point: me.

Still a glorified golf cart. 

Also the only EV that isn’t shaped like a jelly bean, oddly enough. 

The Baseball Furies....

Someone please explain the hate for Max. I support the guy because he is the only one that is going to unseat the head asshat, Lewis. Lewis and his stupid comment dissing on Checo, alluding to fact that it was all the car for why he almost wound up third.  Lewis comes off as a poor loser.  

I put that in there to see who was willing to argue my point, or take the comment section bait.  So far 2 for 2.

You put Mazepin in whichever car is best and he’s gonna win.

It’s always so sad to see Kendall try to make friends with someone. His chitchat with Adrien Brody about their kids was fine, but then when he tried to get him to commit to coming to his birthday party and Brody replied with, “Uh, who’s gonna be there?” Devastating.

Or like how Lindsey Graham looks at Donald Trump when they’re in the same room.

Looking at the silver, I think I agree with you. That TA looks much better in black. Maybe it’s that black is thinning or smooths some creases, but there’s something. Maybe it’s that I had one when I was 20, but I wouldn’t own one in anything but black now, looking at the palatte.

Riding a bike on a 60mph road seems like asking for trouble to me, assuming the photo at the end is of that stretch of road. But the article makes no mention of the speed limit, the driver’s speed, the position of the bikers on the road (shoulder or middle of the lane), or the characteristics of the road (was is a

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Great news! We should celebrate her engagement with some Totino’s:

Awww, I normally hate this kind of thing, but these two are approaching middle age and are truly cute. Moreover, they look legitimately happy. I need happy right now, Spartan. I need some happy, please.

Ford doesn’t make any money on dealer markup, and dealers aren’t cancelling orders, Ford is.

Not enough gets said about how the Republican party is openly pro-incest. They can praise Josh Duggar for raping his sisters and everyone just moves on.

1. Fuck her.