I would WAY rather have the Lucid. It’s a better car.
I would WAY rather have the Lucid. It’s a better car.
Can we at least spell Nader correctly?
My work here is done.
You’re from Toronto? Do you know Dave?
Q. What director would make a film about a gang of Toronto-based home-and-car thieves?
Go for broke and just make it a Go-Kart race...
The fallacy here is that sovereign citizens would consider themselves exempt from any sort of gun control laws and would be armed anyway and would respond with lethal force in any attempt to impede them. Even if guns were absolutely banned today those dipshits would be armed and the result would be the same.
He was lied to, then he took the further steps of believing the lie, learning ok depth what to say and do, and trying to use the lie.
Sovereign Citizens and related movements don’t so much scream “mentally ill” as they scream “Nobody can tell me what to do”.
Where’s the moral outrage about an obviously mentally ill person being unjustly kill by (multiple) police officers?
ND because overall condition of this example and the slushbox. But if this had a manual and was a little cleaner I’d say NP all day. These have my favorite factory rear seats of any car.
Too much for that mileage and vintage. And GOD I hate those dash toupees like I hate carpet in a bathroom.
Scientifically sound. Perfect Venn diagram.
I’m a peer. I’ve reviewed this finding.
“They all do it”.
Same. Conservatives don’t actually send representatives to DC to legislate or govern. They send them there to sit on their thumbs and block anything meaningful from passing. Everyday conservative people, if they even hear about this, are just going to process it as conservatives stopping the Extremist Socialist Left…
I dunno, I’m not convinced disfunction is a deal breaker that would cost the support of republican voters.
In other news, BMW is going to make one in 14 tones of gray.