
It is nice to see so many people just show their entire ass by refusing to get the vaccine.  You can’t fix people who are this stupid, they’re literally killing themselves. 

I constantly see people run reds in my mid-sized city. It’s so bad I make a point of waiting a few seconds before going at any light after it turns green.

Should he not put the engine in free spin?

Why is this article so bitter?

Your are correct on the brakes. I had a 93 RS with the 3.1 and I was getting pads and rotors done at least once a year. Mind you, I was 16 at the time and drove like a complete lunatic. Front tires didn’t last too long either. 180lb-ft in a relatively light car with no TC made for interesting wet weather driving, and

I think in this situation you’re simply paying for rarity of condition. It might not be your cup of tea, but this appears to be a really nice example of a cool late 80s car. While I’m not a Chevy guy, I appreciate this car and would absolutely slow down as I walked past it. For some folks, that’s worth the price of

You do better....

That is likely correct. If that “citation” is real, it likely was created by a UAW member. The “foreign” is code for non-union. It’s UAW protecting their own.

Another fact: The town in South Jersey where I grew up (Pennsville) had a Oldsmobile-Cadillac-GMC dealership that also sold the Bricklin. They had six or seven in various colors at on the lot at one time.

Urban myth, at least me and my buddy Ben Shapiro have never been able to find one.  

Ridiculous car rebadging you say?

are people really rooting for Harley to fail? Jesus, we are far too polarized. if you’re rooting for Harley to fail, go for a walk and consider smiling once in a while. 

Hah, and here I was, thinking that was just a good joke.

Fuck these people. It’s horrifying but unsurprising.

Twitter was a mistake.  

My man. "White Line Fever" is on Amazon Prime right now. Just watched it the other day.

I have the same problem with scoring in Tennis. Be consistent!

Glad I’m not the only one. Also turning 40 this year and find myself thinking a big cushy Buick doesn’t sound so bad... Still can’t quite imagine ever buying one yet but they do seem like a good value.

Now playing

The car I really want the first gen Camaro. and have since Ron Howard abused it in Eat my Dust.