
Various metals, carbon fiber, cloth materials, rubbers, foams, wiring, glass... the usual stuff.

“Okay. So, ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, huh?”

Me when an article references Canada: Oh! CANADA!

Every Canadian is legally mandated to play Hockey and/or Lacrosse from birth. Concussions are our biggest national export.

This made me think of only one thing.

The Turbine Lab got off 55 Chrysler Turbine Cars during its research.”

These cars are super cool from not only an engineering perspective, but also a design perspective. Yeah they have all that retro turbine stuff, but the attention to detail on them is incredible. Highly recommend poking around one if you get the chance.

The C7 Grand Sport may be peak Front engine/rear drive performance, for me. I race a Shelby GT350TR with 5.2 Motorsports, so I have love for those, too, despite the inherent deficiencies to the C7.

It is not turned 180 degrees, why do people always say that ridiculous crap? If it was turned 180 degrees the vehicle would drive backwards.

Well I feel stupid.

Jesus saves, passes to Moses, Moses to Aaron, Aaron back to Moses, he shoots... HE SCORES!

I get it, shit on Texas’ politicians, not it’s people.

The dealer is no longer under the same ownership. Its still there though but under a different name. But It wouldn’t make sense to name the dealer now as it would do a disservice to the current dealership and some could imply that they were the ones that did it. Were they still around I would most definitely name them

Have you met the average American?

And she’s 44???


Still find the whole narrative around Tiger a weird indication of how whack and puritan our society is becoming. That whole documentary was like, ‘Tiger, the sad tragic story, his great demise.’ I mean – he’s only the greatest golfer possibly in the history of the sport, an unbelievable success story (and in the face

They do...and they love it! The racism, the xenophobia, the homophobia, all of it. The love it and they want more. They may be the minority but they are a damn large minority and this poison ain’t going away anytime soon.

If you think you’re “buying into the future” because you got a haphazardly-assembled sedan with an unfinished interior from a South African diamond mine heir, then I guess the hype worked.

And on top of all this, 40% of Republicans agree that violence is acceptable when election results don’t go their way. Scary people.