
Having a mullet sells the deal .

They didn’t deserve those results, but they certainly earned them.

He’s an idiot. I can buy that Trump has some kind of animal cunning that let him tap into the worst parts of American culture and leverage that ignorance to his advantage. But that feels almost coincidental, like he was a symptom of something larger that landed him where he was, and then had the right “skillset”

Has he tried Google Earth? I’m pretty sure these are big enough to see from space.

Let’s be clear, the right in general, not even far right, have always been blindingly stupid hypocrites. Always and forever. If only because their hardcore unchanged stance on being “pro-life” is that they only care about the fetus but once that fetus needs money and social services to be taken cared of, those

“At Newsmax, we seek out all points of view.

It’s simpler than that. It’s blinding ignorance. Virtually every instance of far-right cognitive dissonance is founded in utter stupidity, which stems from their inability to read or comprehend the “immutable truths” they claim to protect. The Bible? So, so big, so many words, plus funny and foreign words, who has

My last Vette was a 93 I bought for 3500 in 2013. My Corvette tax story has to do with crossing the border into mex to have new rear bearings installed on the cheap. As I was going through Mexico customs the agent looked in the rear cargo area, sent me to secondary and accused me of trying to “illegally import car

Until you realize that strip mining Africa and Asia for precious and rare-earth metals to make electric vehicles en-masse is destroying the planet at a much faster rate.

Counterpoint: Cadillac is tied to GM, and they recently announced their all-electric 2035 plans. Electric cars are mostly going to be “skateboard” chassis vehicles, so it doesn’t matter how much R&D they throw into their products. The bread and butter item on the Caddy menu will be a churched up Tahoe until further

Does anyone under 60 give a crap about this movie? It was borderline unwatchable and Steve McQueen was an awful person. Let’s move on.

.... however I do really like the color. That can stay.

Like many things in life, motorcycling is about accepted risk.  If you do the calculations and you decide the risk is still too great, there is no shame in that.  

That’s a great looking vehicle. If it had a different badge, no one would be ragging on it.

You know who else was hilarious and a caricature in 2015? the candidate Donald Trump. How did that work out for y’all?

I’m just here for the Canadian-on-Canadian violence. This has Don Cherry very excited.

Id punch that face. With a chair!

I said that incorrectly. I mean I wish we could quit romanticizing the past. We need to learn from our past in order to truly advance. I, in no way, would think that ignoring and not owning up to our past (bad and good) is a good plan.

Fully agreed, this point needs to talked about more.

Give GM a little credit here. We’re talking about a huge company that not too long ago made some utter pieces of shit on wheels and had a serious badge engineering problem. What they are doing here is not only a complete re-brand but a complete product and service portfolio replacement. That is amazingly difficult for