
lol samir

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. Have a star.

Starred for POTATUS!

“Feculent” for the win. Excellent use of adjectives/adverbs throughout.

There will be no civil war, there will be no secession, there will be no Trumpie uprising. Trumpies are all talk, no action. Sure, a handful of witless bearded goobers might do something stupid but chances are that was going to happen anyway, as this country rarely goes more than a few months between mass shooting

Holy crap, you win! Apparently it has a small block Chevy V8 in it. That last shot has the same license plate, so perhaps it has some Chrysler bones or a Chrysler’s VIN plate.


It is the world’s coolest car as drawn by middle school me.

Mustang SVO found the best way around this dumb rule:

GM’s Diesel 350's

I won’t feel comfortable until he is no longer in office and J Robinette Biden is in the White House.

I think cab overs are the coolest looking trucks.

When I was a kid, my dad explained why Cab Overs existed. It used to be that semi-trucks were not regulated on trailer length, but on total length of the semi and the trailer (and I think it varied from state to state). The Cab Over could pull a longer trailer and was the truck you wanted to have. You could get any

“Jesus, Krieger, you’re still taping bum fights?”

Exactly, somewhere along the way they forgot that the forefathers were not prophets and couldn’t possibly know what changes in society would happen 200 years later. That’s why I don’t understand this originalist interpretations.

And that’s the difference, our Charter is modern and updated when need be, unlike the US which seems to have a group of people who from what I can tell take the Constitution literally , even though it’s 200 + years old. They seem to treat the constitution like George Washington came down from Mount Sinai and

This is one of the many ways the Trump presidency has screwed over this country for decades to come.

True fact: wind tunnels could be quite inexpensive to operate after they are built. It’s the giants that *operate* the wind tunnels that demand $millions per year to run them. Ever since the Treaty of Kruszwica in the year 1230, the International Wind Tunnel Operators Union has world-wide exclusive contracts to run


It's still connected to the brakes like the steering is. It's an electric brake booster (eBoost). Silverado and Corvette have it as well, it's what allows you to adjust pedal feel on the Corvette.