
I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I’m a can.

My big takeaway from this is that there’s a town called Rifle that could end up being represented by a wackjob gun nut, which sounds about white.

Trump and Ivanka dissing Tiffany’s looks

The Russian bounties show he’s attained full minion status.

You probably didn't watch the 2nd video, or read the transcript. The guy could have went another way. Bye 🤡

Best thing would probably be stay home.

Well, Putin realized that he didn’t have to destroy America when he could have his wannabe minion Trump do it for him.

Cops have figured out quickly they don’t have to crack heads/shoot people when they can just get their wannabe minions to do it for them. Its like they are reading directly from Putin’s playbook...

Is that a pool boy pony car?  Looks like its going threesome wide! 

It’s fascinating to me how the republicans manage to get so many votes time and time again. Their basic deal is “more money for the rich, make the country worse for everyone else”, and yet they get a whole bunch of “everyone elses” voting for them. It has to count among the most successful scams of all time.

Tony “killed a guy with his car at a dirt track” Stewart is ready for things to move on and get back to normal? Lol color me shocked

“You ruined my life because you did porn while underage” is certainly an interesting grudge to hold.

And she used becoming First Lady to renegotiate her prenup! I still think she hates his guts, but she’ll do what needs to be done so she and Barron don’t end up like Marla and Tiffany.

Thank you. I do not understand the desire to paint a more complicated picture. This entire family is about as deep as the puddle in my driveway.

Teenagers and early 20s people are universally stupid. An article on CNN basically said as much. Telling kids to stay inside during a pandemic is like telling them to abstain from sex.

Every time I see a photo of Cleavon Little, I get sad all over again. He died just too damn soon.

I was going to apologize for posting in the wrong forum, Rollo, but instead I’ll just say “Fuck Trump!”

The fact that these Corvette people are whining about their Corvettes being delayed either live in a bulletproof bubble or are seriously lacking situational awareness. Look around you! 2020 is a hellpit of sadness and uncertainty. Millions are in serious danger of getting evicted. This is not the time to throw a fit

You spelled Dodge wrong