
I said this for the last 5 days. Riots are about the only thing that is effective. The people are frustrated because there is no peaceful venue to fix our system.

The people in the streets protesting, and even destroying things, have not broken the social contract. The contract was broken long before they started fighting back. Civil disobedience didn’t prevent a man from being choked to death on a city street in broad daylight with people watching and recording the entire

Who needs a calculator when I have an elite team of bored nerds in the comments.

One does not simply surpass the comfort level of velour at its plushiest.

Take your damn star. 

Were there any kind of rides that it was safe to take with Ted Kennedy?

Come on Brian, are we supposed to just forget that the guy wore a tan suit?

Oh come on - I am NO fan of the bitchin’ Camaro, but that’s gorgeous compared to 95% of what is coming out of Asia these days.

Unions are currently as corrupt and self serving as the corporate overlords they claim to shield the workers from. I’m not anti-organized labor, but I am anti-union, at least in their current state.

I’m from, and still live in, Detroit. Folks can still call me a lefty commie all they want, I just come with a rust belt legitimacy that makes me hard to argue with.

...and the highest marginal income tax was 90% and they thought hiding under a school desk would protect you from the commie nukes

Yeah, well, like that’s just your opinion, man.

Sorry, but I gotta one-up you on the radness factor...Volkspod

This is a troll-supported operation to make the guy who literally wrote the Violence Against Women Act as the equivalent of a serial rapist who brags about sexual assualt.

Why is Jezebel doing it’s level best to torpedo the campaign of the best chance to unseat the Orange Menace in November?  Need I remind you of the many women who have credibly accused Chump of rape?  And of The Dolt’s ties to Epstein?  How can 4 more years of the orange man-baby be preferable to Biden?

Anyway, white people, I just wanted to know if you could talk to your people who hate this country.

She tried to say gun stores were non-essential

I was going to post the same thing. I could talk to them, but I’m a simp beta cuck white apologist who puts babies in meat grinders to them. These people are Trump’s personality cult in action. I cannot reason with them. Everything that disproves their stupid beliefs is fake news. They practically get off on rejecting

America is a fucking disgrace.