
every single article you post about Harley berates them for producing exactly this motorcycle.

but this is a beeeemer so it must be cool and not at all a way to get their hands on some of the sweet sweet futureboomer hipster cash.

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

I just woke up and had to invoke P too.

I didn’t realize Russia had so many ghosts. While vodka is popular there, it’s not the most common spirit..

I blame Wonder Woman for carelessly parking her invisible in the street.

You know the videos are real because the BMW wasn’t using their turn signal.

take the HD badge off and it’s any Kawhonya from that era

I’ll take being a “tool in a mustang” and enjoy the much better sorted car with a more power too. 

As a fellow employee, I am so tired of feeling like were doing all the right things and still getting crapped on by people like the OP.

The purchase of a Mustang doesn’t make one a tool. Tools have that quality pre-installed. They’re tools even if their vehicles are Schwinns.

If that ain’t America, I don’t know what is at this point...

Lol, I remember when I was naive to.

Have you ever worked in the auto industry, or any industry for that matter? This isn’t your neighbor’s basement startup, it’s a massive company without access to manufacturing facilities or pretty much any other development facilities. To maintain 75% productivity is a lofty goal when your entire workforce is

It may be less costly in the long run if a company is set up this way, but they are still paying rent on the leases for this year (or the debt on offices they built). I don’t see what this has to do with worker productivity. No one is buying cars so they have no cash flow to pay salaries.

“ (Man With The Golden Gun Spiral jump anyone?)“

“Why can Charles get tested with “mild” symptoms when NHS staffers can’t?”

Oh my stars and garters.

It’s obvious I am in the minority here, but I like it. I voted NP assuming it is as good as the seller says it is. I have always liked the look of the hornet, and sticking it on top of a M seems like a good way to get the looks without actually having an AMC.

Actually, you can get a GT500 for that price that’s 20 years newer.

I did read the article before voting, but I also am pretty much automatic CP on a Mondial. Why? Well, they’re ugly. Like oddly proportioned in a way that I just can’t get over ugly. And they’re actually far worse in person. The cabin is tight and not a pleasant place to spend any time.