
I believe 4189lbs for the Trailblazer is the GVWR, whereas the 2906-3150lbs reported for the HR-V is curb weight.

it’s kind of weird that you used the qualifier “as long as they’re not doing any damage to anyone’s drinking water or whatever”, in direct reference to something that is very much known for damaging nearby drinking water.

Strong COTD contender

It really is a Ferrari experience at a quarter the price.

Steve Scalise was seriously wounded during the shooting at the Congressional baseball game a few years ago and it didn’t do anything to change his mind. Sometimes assholes are just assholes and will always be assholes.

That suggestion deserves consideration.

OMG He might atcually try to get Condoleezza Rice. 🤦🏽‍♀️

No you are all good. 

I heard the stats last night on NPR and I just... for people who deeply believe that the man who ushers in the End Times is, in fact, the Antichrist, and that they are supposed to resist him at all costs knowing that “many will be fooled” and FUCKING STILL with all that drilling the bird shit right on their faces and

Funny how “god” always seems to choose bloviating loud-mouthed bigots, idiots, racists and homophobes to stand in as his “chosen one”... without fail. It’s almost as if god (if he/she/they/them exists), was a hate filled asshole... gotta wonder at the people who worship that mind-set.

This guy gets it, while others get triggered before thinking.

Indeed. The irony of this hillbilly trash is not missed. I grew up in a rural area and the number of “respect the law” rednecks getting arrested for DUIs, hunting out of season/without license, pot arrests, punching some rando at a bar for not liking the right football team, etc. were plentiful. These dumb shits need

Rolling coal is dumb, obnoxious and hazardous in many many ways. I’m glad they got fined. I don’t understand why the “thin blue line” decal mention was necessary. You could’ve just said MAGA sticker or confederate flag sticker. The picture you’re painting would’ve come through just as well without revealing your bias

Slap a Tesla badge on an Aztec and they wouldn’t be able to build enough of them.


I feel that she’s not just protecting her husband, but also my right to have cheese and butter.

Literally millions of voters would disagree on that.

He’s was the only person running under the age of dinosaur who also is coherent?

I mentioned it earlier, but I don’t think GM is nearly as bad as it was. I’ve rented vehicles recently. And of the vehicles I’ve had as rentals, the Chevy Malibu stood out, and in a way I didn’t expect. I got in the car, pushed the easy to find start button, and drove it around to where I needed to go. Every single