
All said and done, Trump’s presence didn’t change one mind or net him one vote. I can say with some confidence that increase in ratings (which, thanks to karma and poor scheduling choices, NASCAR couldn’t capitalize on) was from people who were already fans of Trump.

It’s quite simple: NASCAR fans are dolts. 

Bill Clinton was a draft dodger and the NASCAR crowd hated him.

I agree that it sounds good on paper, but the end result hurts my brain trying to put it together.

So the plan to avoid contact with the corona virus by avoiding contact with the outside world includes (presumably) eating food that was handled by people in the outside world? Solid plan.

And yet you seemed to fit very comfortably in a 2-D pane of glass with a couple other people, Zod. Get over it.

This is what happens when you take risks, GM:

In case you are wondering how Han survived the crash in F3 (spoiler alert, lol). It was all a trick to decive your eyes. Otherwise known as...

Watch the damn film before making a comment on it. JoJo Rabbit is objectively one of the least hateful films ever made. This isn’t glorifying Nazi’s or fascism it shows the tragic consequences of buying into ideology of hate and how humanity has to be stronger than it.

Ummmmm... ya I’m going to just say I respectfully disagree with pretty much your entire take.  

My grandmother survived the Holocaust by being smuggled around German attics. Jojo Rabbit was my favorite movie of 2019. This is an appalling take on a movie that tells today’s kids what being a Nazi looks like and how to stop being a Nazi, by putting it in a frame they will actually pay attention to.

Warren nailed it.

Just too bad he had to leave all Hezbollahngings back in Japan.

His growing list of problems Is-rael

Yes, that’s one of Subaru’s marketing slogans under consideration but at the same time, their Advanced Sedan Strategies department is working on a prototype vehicle, the Super Highly Intercooled Turbo STi.

Technical Ultimate Race Deluxe Special

Nah, that’d be the V.A.P.E.S they are releasing next year (Very Amazing Performance Edition STi)

No surprise there.

i am american, yes. i’d maybe be less blasé if i felt, as an iranian does, unsafe and insecure in my country. if i felt that iran was likely to invade america, destroy its government and leave a power vacuum to be filled by radical terrorist cells — after killing, raping, torturing and kidnapping hundreds of thousands

Do they really want to be scammed by black people though? I thought they were racist as well as evangelical.