
I mean, they put out a call for pitches not that long ago. Get at it Mr. Stock-Market-Smarty-Pants, that smart writer could be you.

The 35mm f/2 IS USM is also a nice choice. I would also recommend the 85mm f/1.8. Both are relatively cheap and good bang for the buck.

He provided a link where you can read more about it. And as you can see, even Google didn’t share the specific sites. What more do you want? He’s notified us, now we know. Do with that knowledge as you will.

Morbious is going to bomb. I don’t think that’s an “if” situation

The problem is that the MCU, and both Spider-man movies previously had a consistent tone, look, etc. that has been proved to be a good thing and a success. As someone mentioned below, Spider-verse was a cartoon, which typically has less oversight from a studio because it’s billed as a “Kids thing” by corporate

Movies don’t kill people. Assault rifles wielded by right wing extremists kill people.

In an age when being intellectual or educated is looked at with disdain or mocked, your concern is not at all unfounded. 

Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.

It takes more than age for something to be classic. Carol Danvers had a shitty origin story that didn’t even fit her character very well. Wishing she was a man’s equal instead of fighting for it? It’s the antithesis of everything she is. The movie version is probably the best so far because it ties her superpowers

It’s basically the same as the theatrical cut, only everything is shot in somber blue, green and gray tones, and there are many more slow-mo shots of ejected bullet casings bouncing on the ground.

when was the last time you saw a sex scene in a superhero film? watchmen? the wolverine?

By this criteria, Endgame should have done really well.

Venom was okay.  I expected crap.  Tom Hardy was good.

I still don’t believe that Venom actually was released.

The comic ending would be a gladiator fight with space aliens on the moon. So whatever they filmed before it wasn’t “like the comics” if it looked like Captain Marvel.

That and the original ending was in the comic.

[Preemptively starts petition for the release of the original cut]

But a lone, glowing-with-fire woman in the vacuum of space tearing apart a bunch of [Skrull/Shi’ar] warships with powers she’s finally embraced would be a touch more similar than just two CGI beat’em’ups selected at random.

You’re not even asking the right questions here: how can we be sure these “men on twitter” are actually men and not neo-feminist activists pretending to be men online in a false flag operation meant to forward their anti-man cause by making men look stupid?

I’m learning that men don’t like women defending themselves from sexual harassment and also don’t like articles making fun of the men who don’t like women defending themselves from sexual harassment because god forbid something isn’t about them for once.