
It turns out blogs still occasionally blog.

I sold those cars and never liked driving in them or riding in them.  Miata did and does feel 10x better.

Roy has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt he is ready and capable. He should be offered the gig but the execs probably thinks he’s too similar to the former nightly show host who had a brilliant show in its own right.

Max is so bad there's no was musk isn't using a shell company and secretly isn't calling these shots.

Yes we must all comply with x, there are no problems, we only use x with no problems.  Big success that x.

Don't worry Elon, the Taliban will always stick with Twitter because they love freedom so much.

Deadpool kills the marvel universe?  Maybe he will off miles teller as mister fan4stick too.

This is like arguing books should be released in chapters.

Fundamentally why movie sequels are rarely about the same character.  The character must change, or share billing with a new character in order to keep things fresh.  Series can focus on a character or an ensemble until the series concludes, but a movie should have a beginning middle and end which is why TDK is really

Musk = tech Trump

The issue with the sequels was that they just weren’t interested in the new characters. Having Luke show up to bail them out of something is fine (looking at you mandelorian), but ostensibly using the young cast as vehicles to move you from nostalgia set piece to legacy Cameo dooms the films themselves.

If one guy can be CEO of three companies, CEOs are not very important.

I had a Panasonic plasma and upgraded to oled.  It's astonishing.

Really glad I saw this movie as a grown up.  Doubt I would have liked it if I'd been a kid wanting to see MIB 5 or I Robot 2.  It's beautiful and thoughtful.  2 things movie audiences couldn't give less of a shit about.

Silver surfer obviously.

Hy it could be an extrapolation of the content aware extender found in current versions of Photoshop now.

I also want to see the Zach Snyder cut of dark Phoenix (aka the Darkest Phoenix)

Eeryone on the comments section: how dare av club write an article about something so pointless and which has no bearing on anything.

Wise man once said:

I think solo had trouble because prequils centered around characters you already know the fate of, have no teeth.