
The Kappa cars (Sky/Solstice) are certainly fun little machines. But even though this one is “rare”, don’t blow up your bank account to buy one. If you are going to spend Corvette money, then just buy the Corvette. 

his mom

It’s a minivan. It has sliding doors. It’s van-shaped. Save it for the “what’s the best van of all time” QOTD.

“It can’t be considered doxxing if you just Google it.”

I don’t believe for a second that this is a revelation. This is just a marketing piece for them to once again remind everything that Supercharger access is coming so you may as well head into a dealership and buy their EVs, with increasing dealer inventory. 

Along with this, even their own reporting shows EV sales going up so far this year compared to last year.  This just seems like automakers over-correcting after previous shortcomings combined with high interest rates.  But sure, it has to mean no one wants EVs.

This. Can’t wait until manufacturers overreact and we are swamped in well-built economy cars and compact pickups with no unwanted features in six years’ time.

Weird. Normal people don’t want to buy a $50k car with 7% interest rates, tech that’s outdated faster than a modern smartphone, a business model that’s constantly pushing microservices, and tracks all your movements with no way to opt out or find out where that information is going?

He started believing his own press releases. 

Musk would’ve been a terrible option too. The thing about Lex Luthor is that he is actually a super genius, whereas Musk is... well, decidedly not.

I will admit, I drank the kool aid. I didn’t know much about him, but what I did know was 1) making electric vehicles 2) real life Tony Stark. What’s there not to like?

There’s something Shakespearean about Musk. He for years paid people to cultivate the image of him as a “maverick innovator” buying him guest spots on SNL, the Simpsons, Star Trek, etc. The PR people running this campaign for him knew well that “the less you see and hear from him the better” as he’d immediately

“because our binge brain is broken”

tech bros believe they are all beyond reproach and any failings are despite the work they do, not because of. the robber barons of the 21st century

“done a phenomenal job” with the social media company thus far”

Uh what? It’s amazing how greed for money makes people say stupid things.

Honestly I think its a good thing in the end. Im in the minority who loved TLJ. But Rise killing the films is kind of a good thing. Let’s let SW rest for a bit and then come back with something fresh and new. Hell give us an old republic story or even something in the far future

The thing about TLJ that no one seems to notice is that Johnson basically gave the franchise a big exit at the end. Everything TFA set up is gone. The First Order has been effectively destroyed — their leader is dead, their main fleet (which was also their industrial center) is destroyed, their military braintrust is

3/4 of Maher’s show is him complaining about young people. It is not funny anymore, just sad. 

we would also accept Bill Maher and Adam Corolla falling into comas

Jesus Fuck.