Venom was okay. I expected crap. Tom Hardy was good.
Venom was okay. I expected crap. Tom Hardy was good.
I still don’t believe that Venom actually was released.
The comic ending would be a gladiator fight with space aliens on the moon. So whatever they filmed before it wasn’t “like the comics” if it looked like Captain Marvel.
That and the original ending was in the comic.
[Preemptively starts petition for the release of the original cut]
But a lone, glowing-with-fire woman in the vacuum of space tearing apart a bunch of [Skrull/Shi’ar] warships with powers she’s finally embraced would be a touch more similar than just two CGI beat’em’ups selected at random.
You’re not even asking the right questions here: how can we be sure these “men on twitter” are actually men and not neo-feminist activists pretending to be men online in a false flag operation meant to forward their anti-man cause by making men look stupid?
I’m learning that men don’t like women defending themselves from sexual harassment and also don’t like articles making fun of the men who don’t like women defending themselves from sexual harassment because god forbid something isn’t about them for once.
I’m learning there is always going to be someone like you in the comments.
The idea that Cousins, on just the second day of free agency, exercised some sort of absolute last resort because not a single team in the league would offer him a contract is ridiculous.
That is 100% nitpicking a minute’s worth of dialogue to justify your claim that the movie sucks. Come back when you have actual reasons to not like the movie.
It’s a light little moment in a series absolutely chock-full of light little moments. What grade of zoom is your critical microscope? We're looking at atoms here.
See, this is what I hate about people’s arguments against TLJ: they’re wildly hyperbolic, taking minor issues and throwing them to the greatest extreme possible. The movie didn’t fucking start with a “Yo mama” joke. Make some actual points.
The Last Jedi is easily the best Star War since the original trilogy. It’s not even close.
Your response here is evidence in support of her original thesis that wypipo are fragile.
Ugh. The old(er) white guy with the wink and the nod. I wish they’d just fuck off.
Controversial opinion here: Everything good in the world is actually terrible.
-You, basically.
I’ve seen the X-Men and Avengers fight multiple times actually. There’s these things, right, they’re called comic books. Apparently they’re where this whole “superhero” thing started. I know, I know, I’m shocked too.
Apocalypse was lousy, but not nearly as bad as Last Stand or the first Wolverine movie, and the second Wolverine wasn’t very good. I’d say Fox’s success rate is pretty spotty with the mutant movies.
I’d rather there be a Constitutional amendment limiting the size of any company to 5% of the market, or something akin to that.