
Hi, Languages doctor here, with emphasis on translation.
When talking immersion, subtitles is a no-no. Actually, when learning a new language 2-part translation is by far he worst method you can use.

Ie: a bilingual (or multilingual) person doesn’t form a sentence thinking “Object” is spoken “Word” and from then on

No, I love the humor in the films -- which, again, is why I want Hank and Scott to go to the DMV, because it would be hilarious.

The idea that Cousins, on just the second day of free agency, exercised some sort of absolute last resort because not a single team in the league would offer him a contract is ridiculous.

“George Lucas coming back to write or produce the “real” sequel trilogy.”

did you just write down a totally imaginary argument no one is making and try to derive pleasure from it by being “right” against those imaginary folks???????????

Personally, I’d be in favor of fewer X-Men movies if they were of higher quality, which I think they would be if they were produced by Feige and Disney.

That is 100% nitpicking a minute’s worth of dialogue to justify your claim that the movie sucks. Come back when you have actual reasons to not like the movie.

It’s a light little moment in a series absolutely chock-full of light little moments. What grade of zoom is your critical microscope? We're looking at atoms here.

See, this is what I hate about people’s arguments against TLJ: they’re wildly hyperbolic, taking minor issues and throwing them to the greatest extreme possible. The movie didn’t fucking start with a “Yo mama” joke. Make some actual points.

The Last Jedi is easily the best Star War since the original trilogy. It’s not even close.

Your response here is evidence in support of her original thesis that wypipo are fragile.

Ugh. The old(er) white guy with the wink and the nod. I wish they’d just fuck off.

Controversial opinion here: Everything good in the world is actually terrible.
-You, basically.

I’ve seen the X-Men and Avengers fight multiple times actually. There’s these things, right, they’re called comic books. Apparently they’re where this whole “superhero” thing started. I know, I know, I’m shocked too.

Apocalypse was lousy, but not nearly as bad as Last Stand or the first Wolverine movie, and the second Wolverine wasn’t very good. I’d say Fox’s success rate is pretty spotty with the mutant movies.

I’d rather there be a Constitutional amendment limiting the size of any company to 5% of the market, or something akin to that.

“We don’t know exactly what we’re doing.”

Any questions?

Even with that hard break looming, Kelly still managed to find time to explain the hard break twice and put forth an opposing opinion.

Go take a look at the Steam reviews for Fallout 4 and tell me that he’s not right.