
Donald Glover was playing The Prowler. He is never revealed as such, but in the Ultimate universe, his character, Miles Morales’ uncle, is The Prowler.

Dragons must not have as much power as I was lead to believe, based purely on how often Danny got his ass handed to him.

I totally get why people are upset by the length of this, but I’m in te minority that loves it. They spent literal years building up to this (Remender’s Cap run to Pleasant Hill with Kobik to Civil War II to Secret Empire), and while it would have made for a compelling What If? mini, I admire the commitment and the

That, and the amazing way they adapted his costume were really impressive.

Literally everyone I’ve talked to was surprised by the Liz reveal, and considered Keaton to be at least a top 3 MCU villain, if not second best after Loki.