
So many thoughts come to mind, but mainly that this is my dream job. I know you’ve probably heard that before, but I agree car TV is terrible and overproduced and don’t accurately represent what cars are about. You guys fucking rock.



You are right to be confused because I lied.

I made it up.

Yeah just to be clear everyone I was definitely not on the flight and made that up. Critical thinking is as important as ever now that we are battling #fakenews.

I was on the flight. It was horrifying but luckily I stayed strapped into my seatbelt. I couldn’t drink coffee until we were well past the storm because of all the turbulence.

I’m skeptical. The only ticket I ever got in my 12 years of driving was in Nebraska in 2010. I was doing 82 in a 65 on I80 and the speed had just changed from 70 mph. Where the hell were you that a semi blew past you going 80 mph right past a cop? I call BS.

If I remember correctly either the driver/ co-pilot or both actually fractured bones in their back on that landing.

Terrible choices.

The problem is the precedent it would set, not the practical application of this one specific restriction on video streaming.

They bang each other.

It’s seriously impressive and awesome. I can’t wait to hear one of these through video which is the closest I will ever get to experiencing it. Also excellent use of that gif.

But Kid A is a good just don’t like it. Music fans and scholars from many different backgrounds are in almost unanimous agreement that it is creative and interesting and deep and played an important role in modern rock music.

This list is garbage. Why troll?

That is fun! I didn’t believe you but I looked it up and confirmed.

Walk this way

Can you say definitively that none of the founding fathers actively fought against slavery but just couldn’t get the actual law passed in the Constitution?

So by your logic, all politicians today are racist because they are complicit in unfair treatment of brown people by police?

Ah right thank you Angie, the foremost expert on the Founding Fathers of the United States. Although I don’t completely disagree, your comment is so hyperbolic it’s hard to have a reasonable discussion with you. Many of the points you bring up are not concrete and up to interpretation. Yes, if politicians held their