Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

I'm rooting for a power outage followed by a game stoppage for drones flying overhead followed by a postponement. I just want this to suck for both teams for as long as possible.

Ballghazi has given Patriots fans everything they could possibly want.

I do. I haven't been a teenager in decades. And I will be watching this. (Granted, all expectations set to zero.)

Why do that when you can just tear through your pads?

Do want.

This new system uses torque vectoring and can send 50 percent of power to the rear axle or even de-couple it to boost efficiency. While it lacks a true limited slip differential, it does offer the GTI's brake-based XDS+, except on both axles.

It's hard to describe exactly how this happened, since DSG is so good, but the top Golf is exponentially more engaging with a stick shift. Shifts might not be as fast because they're done by a human and not a computer, but the car is far more lively, more involved, and more of a blast to drive this way. Simply put,

Roll center isn't usually center of gravity and if roll center is pretty far away from center of gravity, the roll increases.

"Group buy anyone?"

  1. Fun To Say

They're fairly common in certain parts (i.e. more rural) of the United States as well.

There's no law that says you HAVE to put a filter on photos you upload to Instagram! :P

There needs to be a vending machine that dispenses vending machines...

Not to mention it would accelerate at an honest 1.0g.


Pretty sure even a Geo Metro could from a high enough altitude

Mercedes Benz C111 - III. 230 hp.

Good stuff. If I have a few critiques on the instructions.

1) The instructions don't seem to be very clear about adjusting the exposure. I think an extra picture of the screen with the final exposure with the light meter reading would have been better. At the very least I suggest an explicit sentence like "1/1000th is

Because I'm reading this, and know what you're trying to say, I can distinguish between the two green labels from the key, but if you're going to use the same colors for two different curves on the graph, shouldn't your key indicate that one is a dashed line (or dotted, or whatever), while the other indicates a solid