Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

That LED line? Fucking sick as shit. I love this LMP1 entry the more I look at and hear about it.

One of the greatest things that Pushbullet has going for it over AirDriod is that you can install it on your desktop as a chrome extension instead of a program. Meaning that the computer that I actually use all day long -my work machine, which is locked down to unauthorized program can still run PUshbullet through


I think 95% of Jalop's would have done the exact same thing.

This just in, a wild hooligan uses turn signal!

can we talk about how perfectly executed that was

that was actually a pretty decent snow drift from the 240. He held a nice line, didnt do much correction, sprayed the bitch with some snow, and hit the rev limiter a few times. i will give it an 8/10 because no antilag.

Eh.... painted steelies and a fart can on a KA? Its probably a turd buggy.

News anchors are always bewildered by the actions of cars

I'm not sure how to feel about this post without at least one hyphen in there.

Hmm... can't help but wonder how many other hidden communities on outdated forum software are still out there on the internet.

I wouldn't say that. My patience for a slide rule runs out a lot faster than any battery.

Cmon, you're not going with 'Drug Wars'?? So much money to be made of Ludes...

Coding in BASIC on it, however, is much harder.

That's what super 8 looks like. It's where all those filters got their inspiration from in the first place.

Something tells me Wayne Taylor, won't be leaving Wayne Taylor racing any time soon...

Someone didn't do their job. This is big time racing. It's not F1 or NASCAR, but it's still big money. They spent a lot of money to win. Someone's going to be looking for a new job.

you know how you guys do the "Weekend Motorsport's round up"(which I love)

This is all I can think