Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

I’m talking about scrapping LMP2's spec class rules and replacing them with DPi rules and letting LMP1 be whatever it needs to be as an unrestricted but relatively underpopulated class until it can get enough manufacturers in agreement to put a real class together for 3-5 years.

I can’t imagine that they’re subsidizing at all given their financial struggles, but they did cut ticket prices last year after the water-logged disaster that was 2015. I’ve gotten GA tickets each year save for 2012, and as far as I’m concerned GA is just about as good as a paid seat out at COTA given the bowl-like

That’s probably not unfair, and with all of the manufacturer support flowing in at the moment there’s really not an excuse for them to cock this up.

I wouldn’t think of it as a replacement, but it certainly makes a lot more sense than the current LMP2 spec does. At Le Mans this year it was virtually impossible to tell the LMP2 cars apart, and aside from mildly rooting for United Autosport as the American entrant there really wasn’t really much of a reason to root

Something something if you have to ask you can’t afford it, pal

That’s fair, but I think it’s much more akin to expecting a car dealership to sell a car at a discount because there’s not much market demand for it, which I don’t think is unreasonable at all. Perhaps I’m underestimating the appeal, attendance, and revenue, I just see a price comparable to mainstream events as a

Not a thing you said is wrong but for the fact that Formula E fails to deliver on the spectacle, is a new series in its infancy in a corner of the world of sports that is, at least comparatively, dying off rather than growing, and hopes to capture a broader audience than racing as a whole currently does by way of big

Fair point. You shouldn’t, especially when your series’ survival is dependent on fan acceptance in an already nichey corner of sports where economic survival is most certainly not the norm.

Sam Smith covered this brilliantly within the last year for Road & Track. Everything feels and looks and sounds like the future, but it feels foisted upon the scene as opposed to occurring a result of it. The product is something that looks edgy but feels incredibly dull.

I’d give them a break on not knowing that wasn’t a great part of town given that they relocated to Waco, but that part of Waco isn’t transitional (and isn’t close to any neighborhoods which are) and that home was always going to on its own out there post-renovation and that should have been painfully evident on the

Happy to, you’d certainly be right if he were on one of the legacy brokerages, although most offer free or reduced commissions if you have a something like $20-25k in your account. By my very quick and bad math it would only take 50 trading days to run up $25k in commissions if he’s trading every 5 minutes during

He’s on Robinhood which charges no commissions. To day trade I believe you have to be a gold member which is something like $30 a month. But the trades themselves aren’t costing him anything.

I don’t know, I think the awkward monstrosity that was the 312T is far worse, and they used this damn thing for half a decade!

We don’t know that they weren’t. And if they were, that only further illustrates why non-formal alerts to such violations don’t work; there’s no paper trail, nothing to audit, nothing for the FIA to point to, which is why it seems entirely plausible that they offered up a suspended fine at the minimum allowable amount

I can tell for the big teams, but the mid-pack teams can be more difficult, especially in the middle of an on-track battle.

It’s a fair point, but it’s a new regulation and I imagine that scrutineering hasn’t spent much time worrying about graphics before now; things sometimes slip through the cracks when they’re new.

The money isn’t the point and is likely just the minimum fine applicable in the FIA regs. It’s official documentation to put the teams on notice that they do expect them to comply with the reg.

Because DQing the car would be blowing this out of proportion and doing exactly what Stef accuses the FIA of.

Yeah, your point still kind of stands now that I read my comment back to myself.

I don’t fucking understand the desire to make this into a thing, especially given how blatantly Force India failed to comply whilst every other on the team had no problem at all.