Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

For more formal/businseswear socks, Nice Laundry. Received a free pair when I rented a suit from the Black Tux and immediately tuned around and purchased another six pairs. I love that they’re color coded with the toes/tops of the tubes, which makes ensuring that you always have pairs a lot easier. They stay up

For more formal/businseswear socks, Nice Laundry. Received a free pair when I rented a suit from the Black Tux and

And quite obviously the suggestion that regulations may be onerous can only be supported by a philosophy of zero regulation.

Well sure, the answer to onerous regulation is zero regulation, obviously.

So the alternative is either the current product or nothing at all? More reasonable regulation would go a long way here. CAFE’s entire philosophy from day 1 has been absurd, unreachable standards that are then reneged upon, and corner-cutting and loophole finding is much more greatly encouraged when the goals set are

Take your pick. Intense regulation begets the opportunity to place/discover loopholes. It’s the same reason that increased banking regulation only serves to increase the hegemony of large banks; they’re they only ones that can afford the compliance costs and navigate the regulatory framework.

Would could have imagined that onerous regulation produces unintended results?

To quote Tom Petty: “Oh, my my, oh, hell yes.”

CAFE? Never heard of it. Is that some kind of local CA Starbucks competitor?

$52,500 will buy you a very solid 993, and there’s not much of a choice to be made when comparing the two at the price level unless you’ve got a Roundel tattooed around your anus.

I know that post comes off as awfully pratty and indignant, but I have a point. This is a consortium (*cartel*) of private companies that want the DOJ to step in and slow down the speed of innovation and investment so that they personally have a better shot to compete in the space. This consortium is mixing the

As it stands now, VW is going to be responsible for a majority of the capital flowing into quick-charging infrastructure for the near future, so it stands to reason that VW is going to dictate the direciton of quick-charging infrastructure in the US (and likely the world).

“The program should be structured to benefit drivers in California and across the nation, not enable the settling defendants to enter or influence the markets for (zero emission vehicle) charging and fueling equipment and services,” the letter said.

That’s what happens when you overlook someone who had already been driving for you to chase a big check written that’s heavily dependent on the price of oil. I’m just saying.

lmao this fuckin’ amateur ass list does not have hawaiian sweet rolls on it

As a Rangers fan who follows the farm system fairly closely, I think you’re going to be very satisfied with this trade. Your front office just took one up-the-middle player with a year of control left and turned him into two up-the-middle MLB-caliber prospects.

It works because non-profit means profits can’t accumulate at the NFL entity level, not that there can be no profits nor that there’s no tax paid on income generate.

It works because non-profit means profits can’t accumulate at the NFL entity level, not that there can be no profits

I drive a ‘95 Miata, so I need to reset my definition of modernity before I can have this conversation, apparently. My mistake.

An evaluation period is much different from a beta approach, though; when you’re done with an evaluation period, you either move forward with the product or you don’t, but you expect the product to be fully functional if you’re moving forward with it. I can’t speak with first-hand information, but I have a couple of

Planned obsolescence is real because you and the seven people who have starred your comment are the only people in this country who would be content with driving a vehicle with the dynamics of Chevy S10 for 30 years. It’s easy to build a long lived product when the product has an incredibly narrow focus, no

Again, this comparison isn’t about ICE vs. electric; it’s about competing electric products. Tesla isn’t alone in this space, won’t be alone in this space, and very likely won’t even be the first to market in the space.