Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

With regards to the first statement, my point is that established heavy truck makers like Daimler will be able to produce electric trucks that perform in every way that existing trucks do, except electric; to be honest, Tesla is getting a late start even on the e-truck part of the game.

Because I don’t want to work today, I watched this video on 2x speed so I could make a list of all of the issues with the car so you don’t have to watch the youtube equivalent of War and Peace.

Downtime is expensive for truck operators and they’re a fickle, brand loyal bunch, and I have to imagine that the old crooners in charge of buying for local governments, much less private operators, aren’t the type that are going to be particularly keen on Tesla’s promises of product quality in the face of how their

Just completely fucking wrong about Gushers.

I’d be surprised to see Tesla make a sizable dent in this space; their only hope is to be able to produce batteries at a price point so much cheaper than the competition can acquire/produce them that firms will be willing to put up with what I expect will be a fairly substantial list of operational shortcomings in

This is a complete surprise to me and the rest of the commentariat it seems. My family’s ‘96 went 240k+ including two teenaged drivers with only a transmission failure at 220k or so.

You realize that “if I’ve ever seen it” is an idiom, right? It means I was calling it blatant conjecture, which is what it was and which Kat admitted it to being. Calling it a conjecture does not mean it can’t happen or hasn’t happened, it means it didn’t fucking happen in this situation.

I found myself peering through the glass at what I thought was a ’64 Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta. It peered back at me. I died for beauty, it whispered through the glass.

Would you like to find the bit where I claimed I had never seen it or claimed it doesn’t happen?

1. Honking is a pretty common reaction to anything that winds up on a trajectory to impact your car, whether you’re the reason it’s going to happen or not. It’s now been confirmed that the guy in the McLaren didn’t hit the skateboarder, so there’s that.

Yeah, I’ve been hit by cars rolling through stop signs three times while I’ve been running over the past decade, and one of those instances generated an immediate honk from the guy who hit me. That enraged me, but when he rolled his window down and I began yelling at him he copped to it just being a gut reaction. It’s

I’ve been hit three times while running by cars rolling through stop signs and haven’t been driven away on once. People were’t always exactly as conciliatory as I would have expected, but none of them drove off immediately.

I guess you can dance around the word “suspect” if you’d like to, but the verbiage is overwhelmingly loaded against the McLaren driver to the point of being disappointed, not that the McLaren driver may have done something wrong, but that the skateboarder cannot “go after” the driver.

“but I would suspect that had the skateboarder not been idiotic, the McLaren might have driven off.”

The same reason that Gawker publishes posts where their writers are essentially doubled-over in laughter, rolling around on the floor when faced with the concept that some people want to live in suburbs. What that reason is, I don’t know, but it’s there.

I have never seen someone take “look where you want to go, not where you’re going” to this extreme before.

That guy acting like a complete dickhead is one of the least surprising things I’ve heard recently; the dude just oozes smug, entitled, flatbill douchery.

Yeah, new episodes are airing on BBC America the day after they air in the UK and they’re the full deal this time around, no cut content or replaced music per my knowledge.

This is also the first time they’ve really made a hard marketing pitch outside of the UK (in the US, at least), so it’s a bit (lot) of an apples and oranges comparison. Hell, wasn’t season 22 (or maybe 21?) the first season in which BBC America aired the episodes within the week after they aired in the UK? Before that
