Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

That’s a real shame because the show had really started to pick up steam this season. They had finally gelled together as a cast and figured out what their shticks were, which is what you have to have in order to do a show like that that’s entirely challenge-based. Expectations made the first season and a half rough,

Oh my god it’s no longer a punchline it’s gorgeous!

This is a fair take. It’s hellaciously circumstantial, but a group of fairly young people with a cache of very expensive cars organized through an enigmatic car software platform? It doesn’t seem far fetched to imagine that there’s something else going on here, especially with the extent of the seizures, than what

For Arlington in particular it’s huge, because the area has nothing else going for it whatsoever; it’s not particularly well-liked by DFW residents at-large. Dallas was the only competing bid and could only hope for a net economic wash at best, whereas Arlington has a very low hurdle for this being a net economic

It’s not a net gain for the state, it’s a gain for Arlington. Their choices are to let that tax revenue go to Dallas, the only other contending option for the ballpark, or to pony up and take it themselves.

Some say his umbilical cord was made of a strip of tire already worn down to the cords.

Those tweets were pretty great to wake up to this morning, especially the night (or two) after the world was introduced to Harris via an F12tdf sideways for 5 full minutes.

Holy smokes, 5 years of ownership for $3.5k in depreciation? That’s not a bad deal you worked out for yourself.

I was always toe-brake heel-gas until I got an NA Miata; maybe it’s just me but the pedal palcement is horrible on these cars and I don’t have much choice but to toe-gas heel-brake.

It’s not made up. The stock popped at the end of May based on rumors of the Tesla relationship, and it’s now returned to almost the exact same level it was 2-3 weeks ago before the pop based on the now dispelled rumors. In fact, this is a pretty demonstrable piece of evidence of the efficiency the market and solidity

Except you’re ignoring that the stock has now returned to just about the level it was at before SDI’s stock popped at the end of May based on speculation about the Tesla batteries, and that literally no one who participated in that pop holds anything long enough for divs/reinvestment to be an issue, and if you are a

Well, is there a problem? Samsung SDI’s stock popped at the EOM May/BOM June presumably based on this information, and with the 8% drop it’s basically back to where it began. What’s the problem? The only people who got burned here are people who were either willing to take a gamble based on incomplete information or

...especially with China Lake’s proximity to both large population centers like LA and Las Vegas, and the fact that Area 51 is practically just down the road.

I can’t disagree with your spicy take, but the Avant sure is a looker in S4 guise, and the interior looks fantastic.

Hey, we don’t have any history of screwing up racing events at Fair Park or anything...

It’s just so weird with all of the space and actually cool spots they could put this in Fair Park. A parking lot makes sense, but it’s completely uninspired.

Did they seriously just throw this up in the Cotton Bowl parking lot? I assumed they were going to do something cool through the fairgrounds themselves, this looks pretty uninspiring and incredibly hot.

That’s absolutely true, but it’s not just the physical demands, it’s the whole attitude surrounding it. It’s great that they can have this single track mindset that they had to develop as an 8 year old to be successful as a 30 year old, but that’s almost impossible for an average person to identify with. Mark Donohue

Not sure what you’re looking at, but just about any open-wheel racer has a neck that is tree-trunkish in comparison to their bodies, especially the F1 crew.

You say dedicated to a passion, I say horribly not-well-rounded human beings. It’s great that you can be successful as a 30 year old adult at something you blindly set your mind to at age 7 or 8, but I don’t care about your clean eating or your triathlons or the multi-level-marketing supplement scheme you’re hocking.