Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

I’m not going to go on an anti-PC rant here, but the modern racing driver lifestyle is pretty nauseating to me as a regular dude; the vice-laden, odd-jobbing whose concept of working out consisted of manual labor and random bouts of 100 pushups is a lot easier to relate to and/or find interesting at all.

Need to visit a friend who just moved up there anyway, RSVP’d and flight booked!

If HBO is offering debt then it’s going to be as a note, probably with a conversion provision, not in any way structured as a typical bank loan.

Yeah, I’m trying to work out in my head if there’s some correlation between covering more ground more quickly and thus being more exposed. There’s a weird feeling about it for sure.

Sure, but its stated purpose is as a foot mobility supplement, and you don’t have any more protection when on foot.

inb4 “hardy har WHAT DO THE UNWRITTEN RULES SAY ABOUT THIS SHIT NOW?!?!?!” chucklefucks

Jesus Christ, these comments are now just as bad as Goose Gossage opening his mouth.

The Dallas Aston dealership looks to be in Abilene, which is at least 3 hours from its actual location. Houston has to be off by an hour or two, too.,

A lot of car buyers, especially the folks that lease luxury cars, don’t have a clue about some basic aspects of their vehicle.

I took in it the shorts a month or two back for suggesting on a Morning Shift that Tesla was going to need a large capital raise in the not so distant future; I’m feeling pretty smug now. No, the fucking deposits do not cover the capex needs.

One of the primary determinants in the IRS’s definition of an employee vs. contractor is “Does the company control or have the right to control what the worker does and how the worker does his or her job?”

You mean the “employees” who set their own hours with no minimum requirement?

Hey, at least this way they can’t treat employees who pick and choose their hours at will like contractors who pick and choose their hours at will.

Imposing human editorial values onto the lists of topics an algorithm spits out is by no means a bad thing

One more than the amount that will trigger self-righteous posts from Jalopnik writers.

Junior is the GOAT, auto-NP despite CP credentials.

What about the exposed fasteners, Takuro?!

That would simply have been far too poetic. Good news is that he’ll be racing full-time next year, so I imagine we’ll wind up with a fair share of similar clips of him behind the wheel.

That’s not actually him driving in that clip, it was Piergiuseppe Perazzini in 2012, but Cartu will be driving for AF Corse starting in 2017, albeit it in the Blancpain Endurance Series I think.

A preview of Josh Cartu’s first big boy race when he’s done with his AF Corse “training program”.