Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

I have a boss who is convinced it’s a distraction anytime that one of the regular headphone/earbud users in our office makes some kind of mistake; it even came up in a performance review of mine one time that he thought I could improve some of my lapses by not listening to music while I worked. He’s not militant about

“The RF is a mistake because the Miata is all about a pure driving experience”

A new car buyer in 2016 has no interest in manually dealing with a targa top. Porsche didn’t go that route with the new Targa just because they could, either. The PRHT market on the NC Miata was big, and that’s exactly what they’re going for here; that market cares not about weight or cost.

My biggest question about the whole thing is whether this really happened at all.

They want to move the event back to August, a time at which 92 can be a nighttime low in Austin.

The traditional arcade racers are a dying breed, but the sim genre (Assetto Corsa, iRacing, Raceroom, the new Dirt) is burgeoning. The reality is that neither Forza nor Gran Turismo has brought much new to the table in closing on a decade now, and the uber-arcaders like Need for Speed fell out of fashion with the fall

You know, when a car is struggling with sales, this response really doesn’t carry a whole lot of weight. He doesn’t own one, nor do enough people for Toyota to continue to justify its existence long-term. It’s either a great car with a perception problem, or it’s the answer to a question the market isn’t asking;

The more you know, man. You’ve taught me a valuable lesson about perspective today!

Had no idea, makes a lot more sense than anyone on here struggling with it, which is how Andrew’s post read to me for a second.

You’re kidding about anyone not knowing this was in a game, right?

I’m not going to condone brake-checking, but there appears to be very little reason for the driver of the Trailblazer to have lost control of their vehicle.

Some have likened it to an Accord Crosstour; I think that’s a bit harsh.

Inspired me to look at used Grom prices on my local CL.

Oh, I get that, but tasteless editing and post-production does not make up for boring A-Roll footage. In fact, it generally compounds it.

Whoever edited that footage into that god awful video should be hung from his/her/its toenails.

Oh, Ed. You just sounded like Dirty Harry just then.

Per Southwest:

Per Southwest:

That’s just a fourth-gen Bronco with a bowtie stamped out of the original Ford emblem, isn’t it?

This should be good.