Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

This will likely receive a lot of hate here, but for care-free, chuckable hooning fun, these things are hard to beat for the price. Check your brain at the door and you’ll have a ball.

This would be okay if you had phrased the question as “own”, but drive? Jesus, these things may present the most miserable driving experience on the planet. “Agricultural” is the 100% correct term, for a vehicle produced in this iteration until 2006.

It’s even more baffling when you consider that it’s College Station, which is both a terrible place to live and not wanting for open land.

That is the least inspiring Ferrari model name since the Mondial t.

Just because you’re not worth $40 billion doesn’t mean your middle class lifestyle doesn’t dwarf theirs, too.

Seb’s antics would elicit a smirk on their own, but Nico’s complete and utter unwillingness to take any of it in stride makes bona fide comedy of Seb’s work.

lmao guys torch hasn’t done his wheeler dealers homework what a loser!

yeah, this isn’t new to the segment. at all. unless this is the first four-stroke entrant, but even then it’s the four stroke element that’s interesting, not the attachments.

A whole load of this gets addressed in the goddamned books, man. It’s not fully explained, but the jist is “TIEs suck in atmosphere”.

Because of lack of universality and Apple-product-churn-via-planned-obsolescence.


The little chin-strap? Went ahead and tossed it and then tried a second one with the winglets yellow too, although I did it quick and dirty so it’s not great.

That fender vent looks bad.

Uh, Stef - from the maker of the barrier:

This looks drag-inducing.

Two things stick out:


But he’s an American, so you would not want him to recover since he’s the worst terrorist, right?

“Looks better from that angle” still fits your fat chick in stilettos analogy, even!