Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

A regression analysis is only as good as the data that goes into it, and past returns blah blah future performance etc.

“Over the last year there’s been a constant, collective hue and cry from Wall Street halfwits, armchair financial analysts, and traditional auto industry types about Tesla’s sales reporting.”

“We don’t condone this, but we feel it’s our duty to cover it as it’s automotive news related.”

Those sunglasses are predictably terrible.

The back half just looks huge from the front 3/4s and profile view. The rear treatment looks great when viewed in isolation, but it carries a ton of visual mass compared to the front half of the car.

Well, we’re making some headway on slimming down the visual mass of front-ends, but my god, the rear half is a goddamned mess in keeping with current design trends.

Can’t tell if wonderfully minimalist or awfully cheap.

Complains about crony capitalism.

You have to pass the bill to find out what's in it, sir.

Everyone knows that the first iteration of Dirt was the only one in the series worth playing.

The New Zealand folk parody music market is strong.

That's an oddly attractive Probe!

An all aluminum LS long-block should only add 80-90 lbs to the weight of a 1.6 longblock. Hardly trivial, but hardly balance-shattering.

To hear the automotive press, this site especially, talk about it beforehand you would have thought that he had suggested he invented a self-charging battery.

Wait, that's the big, overarching, game-changing end to range anxiety? The equivalent of a lane-departure warning system for charging stations? Useful, no doubt, but hardly a paradigm-shifting panacea for range issues.

I don't understand; it literally says right on their site next to each city destination what the airport is. And according to their website, they don't fly to Vienna. Is online booking not nearly as prevalent in Europe as it is in the states? I haven't seen anything in faux-booking a flight on their site that didn't

email me at bradleysparker AT gmail DOT com

For the two to three days of ice a year?

Prices are already tanking, I think that's not a bad course of action.

Rightly corrected, they exist but they're unicorns and they're pricey!