Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

Not a touring. Like it or not, there's a premium.

Crack pipe from this fellow E30 importer. That engine bay is frightening, and where there's a little bit of rust in one of these, there's a lot of rust lurking just beyond that. No need to have concerns about the state of the title, though.

Now we all know Doug is getting paid by the word!

What Doug said. The cost isn't a burden at all, it's the process and the paperwork and the know how. Oddly enough, it's hilariously cheap to pay someone with the capacity for all of that to do it for you.

He's not, it's true.

That's entirely untrue. It's a bit of a struggle and a process to figure out what you actually need to do and what's actually involved, but it's not unduly expensive or difficult to execute once you have the knowledge you need, which can be found if you search hard enough.

Jesus, Doug, you're like the U Thant of automotive writing. This is so massively spot-on.

"Because Man Can't Operate Stick"

EXPLAIN YOURSELVES, CISLORDS!!!11!!1!!!1!1!!!juan!1!!1!

Continuity, I would imagine. No contractor is going to keep an assembly line sitting aside somewhere to produce a custom-batch of vehicles for one customer every 5 years. It's not like ordering a fleet of trucks or taxis or cop cars, which have many different customers over many different years.

Now playing

Ronson actually released a tune with Kevin Parker of Tame Impala

Unfortunately, $5 billion+ budgeting decisions aren't generally decided with the phrase "it can handle it fine."

It's expected to last 30 years driving 8 hours a day 6 days a week; great as a Transit Connect or any other off-the-shelf vehicle sounds as an option, they don't meet the minimum requirements. The current LLV may seem like a stupid, stodgy, cheap vehicle, but it's one that has endured for 30 years; the last LLV

Colombia* shouldn't be hard to get right.

Troopers have even started phasing out the Crown Vics own here, I'd almost be willing to say that it's mostly Tahoes and Chargers, now; muni departments are almost entirely SUV, Charger if not.

I have lots of theoretical dibs, appparently, haha.

Hey now, I have first dibs on the first good RS2 Rob finds, motherfucker. ;)

I certainly fall into the group of those born long after it became so homogenized, but I had the good (bad) fortune of spending most of my childhood afternoons watching Speedvision religiously, which included countless exposes on the exploits of Smokey and Junior Johnson and the sort.

No doubt, but this article had a historical, not forward-looking, bent.