Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

Well, the next closest post in the article has 13 such interactions, so I'd say that 59 is relatively significant figure in comparison. The article may have received 25,990 clicks, but the number of people who actually interact with any given Deadspin article, this one or otherwise, is likely to be far, far lower. So

But no, the car didn't exactly burst into flames and no they didn't pull him out. The car caught on fire in a pretty deliberate, linear fashion, and he hopped out under his own power. The GIF sure makes it look like it burst into fantastical flames from which he had to be miraculously pulled, though, doesn't it?

Poorly chosen at worst, then? 52 other people seem to agree with me. I'm not shocked/disappointed that he didn't burn up; in fact, I'm quite glad he didn't. But as a thumbnail imagine accompanied by a sensational headline that all but suggested that he might be in rough shape, I pretty quickly clicked into the story

I get that, and upon watching the actual footage that was clear, but as a lead image accompanied with a rather sensational headline, it's not exactly the sort of thing you want viewers to have to scrutinize, especially when your staff seems to be constantly fighting a battle with its readers about "clickbaiting".

Sure, and it made sense in context when shown as a replay after the events had unfolded and the viewer was already familiar with the incident.

Well that GIF wasn't completely misleading, or anything.

Holy shit. That's so cheap I could almost be convinced to buy it.

I'd prefer that you would just die instead.

Those of us who don't live in wildly intemperate climes (>50% of country) think this sounds ridiculous. Sportscenter would just fill that time with more football, and we don't fucking need that.

Well, I've gotten that much, friend, but your very initial premise is what I'm challenging, which seems to have passed you by at an incredible speed.

When all else fails just use trolling as an excuse!

See? Houstonianism is something that even Austinites can't overlook in their political candidates; no matter how demographically perfect a candidate is, Houstonianism can bring it all down.

Again, context means a whole lot here, and you're missing it by a country mile.

Specific output is great and all from an engineering perspective, but it doesn't encapsulate the full tale. 100 hp from a 1.0L engine would also be great, but no one is going to get a hard-on about it.

Houstonians are, quite literally, the worst. The liberals in Texas actually prefer Rick Perry to anyone from Houston.

So you're saying it's going to be hellaciously underpowered? Methinks not.

I'm still confused as to what is actually "April Fools" about this. Can someone lend a hand?


Please tell me about F1's storied history of road relevance, Jack.

lol, only Houston has any signs of growth?