Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

Without delving into the specifics, the use of corporate intangible assets (re: pics, images, trademarks, etc.) and false representation as a Ferrari-corporate page. Whether any of that is true or holds up in whatever court this is tried in remains to be seen. And it seems unlikely to me that Ferrari will get away

So the thought is that all of those factors are secondary to a team's record, no matter what?

Is it unlikely? Yes. Does it reveal a major flaw in the fundament underlying the theory that you can't make an undefeated team a 2-seed? I think so. Say you have 5 undefeateds; how do you decide who takes the lone 2 seed?

Its fans deserved that loss for having "beaten" the Milano.

Do we not treat seeds as having some level of predictive value, though?

What if you were to have 5 undefeated teams?

Aren't seeds designed to be predictive?

Do you not see the issue with every word you used in that paragraph to propose an alternative to stats being words that are subject to massive amounts of opinion and interpretation? You may believe that your steadfastly held opinions are both correct and widely-held, but that's no more easily substantiated than the

In what way was I an asshole about it? And in what way were you not by making a presumptuous comment on my stance?

Ah, so I must support the ban on direct sales because I call out people for their red herring and ad hominem fits in comments?

It's a Gawker site, there's crossposting to other Gawker sites, and it's the FP of Jalopnik; anything is possible.

Sorry, didn't mean to suggest you did, I see that it reads that way now.

I take no issue with Patrick's article, he's done a pretty solid job of covering the whole ordeal over time; my comment was purely in preparation for the user comments that would and have followed.

See the word "commence", Patrick? It means "to begin", not "that stuff I just read was".

And commence general Gawker bigotry concerning Texas, with the added hilarity of being bigoted under the guise of calling out bigotry.

How does one justify that one manufacturer is allowed to perform direct sales while all of the others have to play by dealer rules?

The Center for Auto Safety, a Washington-based consumer group, doesn't support allowing manufacturers to sell all of their vehicles directly. That could create a monopoly, Executive Director Clarence Ditlow said. Even so, direct sales are a welcome form of competition, and dealer claims about being champions for

Is it really that depressing that a group of adults are banking their financial future on what is essentially a gamble with a negative expected value? Well, wait, that is depressing.

We don't have time for rational responses like this.

You mean to suggest that there exist differing opinions within a state's legislative body?!