Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

Re 2nd gear: it's still a bull market, everyone is buying every dip. Nothing to see here.

Well shit, Stef. I've heard grumblings, but completely forgot about it and didn't know something had definitely gone through. I guess I'm going to have to get scheduled up for an HPDE down there before the end of the year.

Why are we mixing median income with average price?

And the race card gets masterfully played!

I've posted similar comments on three different threads within this comment stream, now.

1. My meal ticket is wholly unrelated to private equity, I just have a thing against arguments based upon rhetoric without substantiation.

Do you have something in the form of data, or more preferably statistical evidence, to support your implied assertion, or are you simply spewing anecdotal nonsense pulled from what you've casually encountered via large-outlet media coverage?

You've now used a word that you need to substantiate: statistically. I don't think you have a single statistic to support anything you've said; what you have is anecdotal evidence, pulling from a pool of observations that probably varies in number from one to three or four. You might even have some data points that

I'll absolutely give you that. Hostile comment redacted!

Yes! High-quality, well-supported and documented analysis. That's what I'm talking about!

These are the kind of high-quality, wildly unsupportable assertions that I come to the Jalopnik front page for. Bravo!

Come on, FP savants, give this one your best shot. I'd love to hear your expert opinions on the valuation and crystal-ball predictions of how this is all going to pan out.

We fucking get it, hombre.

Once upon a time I did take public transit daily here in Dallas, which has a surprisingly decent light-rail system. The problem is that in a town this spread out, the ability to utilize that system requires a perfect storm of variables.

Robb, are you suggesting that there's room for a little bit of rational thought and not throwing out unsubstantiated anecdotal quotes about the failures of privitization? How dare you usurp the status quo on a Gawker media site?!

It's being ruined for the profit of none, currently, so what's the difference?

Well, this isn't vague and unsubstantiated, or anything.

"At the dip up here I go hella-fast...right"

Rear-ending is the worst. No matter how you do it, crashing into someone is very embarrassing, not to mention how dangerous it can be.

Most of the USA: what the fuck did they do to that poor Mustang?