Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

It's sort of hard not to see this as a paradise for fans of powerful V8s, but it's not just enthusiasts who are getting a break. People who should be commuting in slightly more efficient vehicles don't, which is why the AP reports that President Nicolas Maduro is said to be considering a move to make fuel more

No one has that kind of spare time

That ZF box is indeed a revelation, and really makes me wonder about the necessity of dual-clutch boxes in most applications.

Chris Harris is a landmark of my desires.

Probably a better choice for those of us who experience full winters. My glove selection stems from years of driving a car with an aluminum shift knob, so material between me and that unnecessary piece of metal was my bare requirement (a towel often sufficed when gloves weren't handy).

I'm in Dallas, so for me they're perfect. Full on gloves generally get too warm for me after a few minutes of driving, even when it's 20-30 degrees out, so I like the thin, leather gloves.

Although part of me believes that those of us who wear driving gloves are the scourge of automotive society, part of me recognizes the necessity of wearing them in the winter when it's cold. So, have a pair of reasonably priced, nice leather driving gloves.

Robert Sorokanich, doing what JK Trotter couldn't: his job.

It's time to rip the goddamned band-aid off.

And today's Best Motoring Super Fun Film Time provides us with yet another installment of "Translating Japanese Captions Into English".

I'll take 'Unsupported Conclusions' for $1000, Alex.

In the same way, it's tough for foreign automakers to compete in Japan (although there are other, more complex reasons at work there as well).

I'm hoping the real reason he isn't doing so is because, you know, he doesn't have to. There are better ways to spend $10 billion and wasting it on a good will campaign is bullshit.

Taste can be learned, it's not too late!

Savant was sarcasm. It would be the antithesis of the correct terminology.

DubSteppy-crappy-electro-buzzy-junk music: the new flat-billed baseball cap. Helps you spot the savants from miles way.

Was probably ripped from one of their actual commercials and slapped on there by the same genius responsible for the terrible editing and terrible soundtrack.

Something tells me homeboy redneck got a touch creative and yanked that from a real GoPro ad, because I can't imagine their marketing group actually airing this.

Aaron Foley: complains about media portrayals of Detroit

Cranked the oven* way up and made things shrink and melt in weird ways.