Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

But they tell me a Kia Cee'd can tow just fine!

It's not so much the brakes that are an issue (they can be), but the weight from the trailer applying force to the weight of a car. A large pickup will, more often than not, be more stable under braking because of being heavier (more inertia to overcome), being wider, and having a suspension designed specifically for

This was a lot better than any of Matt Farah's efforts, but Caswell's on-camera work leaves a little to be desired, if I'm going to nitpick out of jealousy.

The lengthy history of the AC is filled with insane displays of no-expense-spared attitudes, inflated egos, showmanship, and fiascos where very few teams were even remotely qualified to participate. In a lot of ways, Ellison has taken the sport back to where it was in the 19th/early 20th centuries, and I'm kind of

It's not gorgeous, though. The only "gorgeous" thing there is the midly massaged side-profile that's mostly Mustang anyhow. The rear-end is "meh" and is still mostly Mustang. The place where their work is most evident, the front clip, is god-freaking-awful.

Yeah, I believe that the Fiesta makes by far the most power (probably talking a 30-50 hp difference), the Mini is one of the lightest, and that the STI, Dart, and Polo all fall somewhere between those two on the rest. That's mostly speculation on my part, though, as the only thing I'm certain on is the Fiesta making

Driver quality is obviously the big factor for the Subarus if Higgins isn't in the car.

The Subarus that are competing are a bit dated and frankly not that competitive at this point. Part of that's drivers, but part of it is that the Fiesta, Dart, and Polo all have a lot more development being thrown at them; the Subarus haven't gotten near the same development attention over the past few seasons.

Someone has been playing GTA San Andreas in the buildup to GTAV, hasn't he!

Thank you, glad it wasn't too subtle to be noticed.

Buy a 991 GT3

And here begins the big test for Tesla. They've busted the market open withi a killer app of sorts, but now they're going to have to weather the storm of firms with more financial resources, more engineering resources, and more experience building cars that are going to come knocking on their door with comparable EV

That's the best-looking thing I've ever seen in my life.

I really like this track, second only to that other one by that guy BOB LOBLAW.

Here's an update. Smoothed out the back half, removed some chicanery, and added some Becketts/Suzuka style S-curves in place of the first of the three straights.

My strategy was to design a track that both tugged at my heartstrings and satiated my inclination towards pragmatism. Conceptual racetracks can often be wonderful things, but if they’re too fantastic in nature it can make it difficult to truly imagine the track in your mind as a real possibility and, more importantly,

I'll allow it!

Becuase Tesla is selling a metric shitton of cars in Dallas, Austin, and Houston. Likely the largest market this side of NYC & LA/SF/SJ.

Because they're selling a metric shitload of them in Dallas, Austin, and Houston.

Or you just remove ballast...