Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

Can someone explain to me how those wooden bucks/molds are made? I always see people making replicas/handformed bodys over those molds, and I get how they make the panels to go over them, but how are the bucks themselves made?

Suspension/brake/some part failure + armco wouldn't really give a flying fuck about whether they're at full-tilt or not, methinks.

But why do Southern Californians need AWD?

There certainly isn't a healthy selection of mind-numbingly stupid politicians in other states like, say, California, or anything.

A recommendation alone wasn't enough, so here's a comment expressing my satisfaction with the quality of your comment.

Because they're grounded to the ground?

Ah, Gawker commentors. It's nice that some things just don't change.

I prefer to remember Franco Sbarro for his pizza.

It's not in focus, though...

Actually, Illinois itself is just a debt-holding shell corporation.

Pretty cool to see something like that hang its tail out.

As someone who has lived in a couple of gentrified/gentrifying areas: many of the pre-gentrification residents couldn't care less about the neighborhood's "rich" history, nor do they care that you're interested in and respect the history of the area you're moving into. They simply care that you don't fit the bill or

What this needs is a GTV6/Milano V6 and rear-transaxle. Italian SuperVan!

Well, that covers that bit then, lol.

Has Detroit considered paying its bills itself? I understand and agree with the charge of phonyism here, but the rest of the country, by and large (please do not underestimate the importance of this qualifier in what I'm saying), manages to pay its bill with its tax money, so why is Detroit so special that it deserves

Honestly, though, that's almost kind of well-done. The color seems appropriate, the taillights look reasonable (but bad), all three badges are straight, the tailpipes, and it even looks like the wheels may have been changed out. I won't applaud it, but I find it intriguing.

Ralph, this whole thing with posting Alfa naughtiness while I'm at work just isn't working out. I can't get any work done when you do this to me. I can't eat. I can't sleep. I can't even go to the bathroom.

He's not, though.

Again, no one is arguing that it isn't true. The lack of relevance is the issue at hand.

Well, Godwin's Law says that as the conversation carries on longer, the probability that the Nazi/Hitler reference/comparison comes up approaches 1; it doesn't mean that the event will occur late in the conversation, just that it becomes increasingly likely that it will occur as the conversation has gone on longer.