Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

Well, Ford's Nazi sympathies have nothing to do with Fordlandia, so I'd say it's not the appropriate response here.

I debated with that point, but he's responding to the story itself, so I think it falls under the umbrella, even if it may be on the outer edges.

And Godwin's law makes another appearance.

That's indeed often all a person needs in a car; that still doesn't make it a good car or a not-bad car, it merely makes it a useful car.

Durable does not a not-awful car make.


This is what expense reports are for, Travis.

That's because it is part Crown Vic. It's essentially a Grand Marquis with bits and pieces off a Crown Vic + Mach 1 DOHC 4.6.

Now that's completely reasonable, although I think that situation was blown out of proportion.

But...why? You're going to discard relevant data in favor of data you know is no longer relevant? My full of fuck.

It's a rare moment, but I'd trade the V8 just so I didn't have to look at those awful rear-quarter panels ever again. It's like they got to the doors and said, "Fuck it, we'll do it live!"

I'll volunteer to write the screenplay adaptation and pull together a crew to shoot it. It will be brilliant.

It's really not that bad. I used to do 30-45 minutes a day in traffic with a stupidly heavy clutch, and while my left leg was certainly stronger than my right, it wasn't unbearable. It helped that that car had plenty of power so moving forward was merely an exercise in slowly slipping the clutch without having to

I think we should all be able to agree that applying this kind of hindsight to what was a split-second decision is rather pointless and really only an exercise in hubris.

On one hand, awesome. Great engines making big power in beautiful cars.

What do you know, Texas continues to deregulate and bad things continue to happen.

The banks owe us lol

What you're saying isn't untrue for half of the country's population, but aside from the other half being important, I'll just focus in on your last statement:

Dude, a rare moment here, but what the fuck are you on about? You're the one that sounds like an elitist douche in this conversation. He's gone well out of his way to make a point that he doesn't thumb his nose at anyone for not enjoying a manual, merely that he doesn't like that he's painted as some antiquated,

In what locality do taxpayer funds pay for tow trucks?