Bradbury's Ghost

I used one word wrong in my post. I should have said "wrongful termination" and not "discrimination." In Canada, anyway, firing someone because of a charge they were acquitted of is not a good legal ground to stand on. It doesn't matter how likely the offense. I'd love to see this guy fired, but it doesn't seem

Discrimination was the wrong word. Wrongful termination is what I meant. I just think Dana's covering his own ass legally. Hopefully new evidence and charges arise and then there will be no question on whether or not he should be fired. Gawker's intense editorializing is what I'm calling into question.

Unconvicted. I agree that he probably did this and that hopefully it comes to light and he gets let go. I also agree in the old adage "cover your ass."

Never said it was. I will say that reading comprehension isn't yours, though.

Unconvicted. I agree that he's a shit bag and hopefully evidence shows up to prove that.

Good point. Thanks for sharing.

From what I understand of the law, if the charges were dropped he could actually sue the UFC for not allowing him back in on the grounds of discrimination. I don't want to speculate as to why the charges were dropped or whether or not he did it because that's libel regardless of the likeness of the allegation, but

Outrage: Justified. Acting like this is the first time this has ever happened, and that you're amazed that somebody would do it: Stupid.

Wait... a Gawker affiliate doing something other than shitting all over Buzzfeed. Insanity.

I think he means the Ultimates comics. Chitauri were referred to as "Skrull" as well, but then Ultimate Fantastic Four straight up had Super Skrull, so they broke their own continuity.

I was going to leave a picture of the Gender Bender from Futurama, but Gawker took the worst possible approach to censoring an asshole and now we all have to suffer. Peace out.

Serious question. Why don't we just bring back the ability to report and dismiss comments? That's what people have been asking for months anyway? Gawker's rules don't make any sense to me.

I remember reading a part where he said that the idea wasn't off the table for the future? And that there are a lot of implied gay characters and that they just don't have POV scenes? Whatever. Kinja's a fucking nightmare lately.

I remember when Kinja sites used to report news rather than editorialize. Oh well, at least io9 still doesn't suck.

Well... you just got fired.

Fun fact: Kano was Chinese in the first few Mortal Kombat games but this version was so loved that they made him Australian from that point on.

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

It's like how in Canada everybody knows the difference between black, one and one, double double, triple triple, and the always revoling four and four.

I'm really concerned about this as well.

I'm not calling bullshit on it. I'm just assuming we're dealing with one of those "Well *I* don't do drugs, but it's cool if you do." *isn't cool with it*