
BBbbboooooo! As much as I enjoy the app the support for it so far has been terrible. We have servers going down all the time, missing promised at release features like trading and many other features such as tracking that do not even work but are in the game. You have to go third party like PokeVision to even have a

Being a smart ass? Oh you better believe that’s a paddlin’.

But not the upside down part of the Southern Hemisphere.

This is a good joke except Rio is in the Southern Hemisphere too...

No. NO. Get the hell out of here right now.

With that kind of attitude from Rio’s mayor, I doubt that Australia, the UK, or New Zealand will share their common wealth with him.

Yes there are. The idea that a city has to build every facility from the ground up is totally assanine. The idea that the games has to be consolidated into one place is assanine. There are facilities ready to go across the US that can host the games adequately with no need for new construction. Same with many other

No. They’ll report on it, but it will be through more comedic Instagram posts from athletes, and a 5 minute aside from Bob Costas, who we hope won’t contract pink eye again.

Rio is in the same hemisphere so the water drains the same as in Australia.

The Australians are simply used to their toilet water draining the opposite way down the walls.

What are they complaining about? The toilet’s output goes right into the sailing and swimming venues.

God dammit. +1

You’d think the mayor would appreciate somebody who didn’t dwell on Rio’s problems.

Nope, I don’t think many people on here will cry for dealers at all. An entire layer of middle men who have inserted themselves in between producers and consumers in the name of “providing service” yet skim from both ends, purchase legal protections from politicians with donations, and then fail at providing service


It’s the same story over here in Utah. I switched from a v8 to a ecoboost and it is much better going up mountain passes.

Colorado resident here. I'm loving the turbo engine. More power for us less oxygen guys. This thing will destroy the old model at mile high altitude

Good input. You clearly have a handle on the economics of the situation, and know what you’re talking about. I will take exception with one of your comments, though:

AM/FM? You mean like my cassette deck/ radio/ equalizer combo head unit used to play?

Yeah, but you can tie an orange flag on it for your 100mph dune runs.