
Couldn’t somebody sue her to death for defamation? 

Ahh, yes. Gotta love those “non-violent” anti-abortion protesters. My favorite is when they protest outside of a PP location that doesn’t even do abortions. The lady they’re screaming at to not “murder her baby” is literally there for prenatal care.

Locally we have 40 days of life where they protest the abortion clinic for 40 straight days. Thankfully we turn it into a fundraiser and have a sign outside the clinic pointing towards protesters showing how much we have fundraised in response to their protest. But, unfortunately our Planned Parenthood clinic was

Jump on in, we need you! Help register voters and help drive voter turnout. Join the fight in a way that fits your interests and your strengths. Is going to take all hands on deck. I think marched like this are good at rallying our side and helping them feel less hopeless. But you’re right: we can’t stop there.

Don’t forget, the right’s strategy after Roe involved plenty of marching too. You’ve got the March for Life, the Walk for Life, the “Life Chain” etc. Of course, at each of those events they’re pushing other agenda items and keeping their voters organized and on task.

The woman had a forensic psych evaluation that determined she has Borderline Personality Disorder and Histrionic Personality Disorder. I am not taking sides because I don’t know, but having dated a man diagnosed with BDP for six years and knowing the chaos they create and the lies that they tell its very possible that

Bad things should happen to bad people” is not an unprincipled position.

You are assuming her allegations are true. One of the biggest issues so far in the trial, from what I can see, is how hard it has been for her to get even a single person to collaborate her allegations. In fact, her allegations are getting more wild, which makes very little sense as someone whom was in an abusive

Except when they are people like this hypocritical little goon.

Neither of these people is an angel, and I agree we should wait until the trial concludes to see what was and wasn’t confirmed as authentic.

You have to approach this from the perspective of a 3rd grade mind:

Man, if Madison Cawthorn was only the guy in the videos the Right is using to smear him, he’d be a pretty good guy; a bisexual disabled party-monster who cross-dresses and chugs champagne. That’s someone I want to know! 

Thank you! I understand that conservatives are rarely held back by things like “definitions” but c’mon -- that’s not how blackmail works.

That’s...that’s not what blackmail is.

But sharing naked videos of someone without their consent is objectively bad

This cascade of scandals is the first “October surprise” (I know it’s the spring primaries but you know what I mean) that I’ve been excited about in a LONG time. I wasn’t in Cawthorn’s district when I lived in NC but I’ve been following this race closely and it’s even more fun than when Aaron Schock imploded.

do you remember the very swift and strong pushback from the GOP after he talked about the cocaine orgies? the thought is that because he did that and wasn’t i don’t know sufficiently contrite, that they want him out and are doing this to torpedo his campaign.

besides, do you really think the DNC has the stones to do

Because we’d wait until he wins his primary, it’s in the best interest of the GOP for his opponent to make the general since they theoretically have fewer skeletons in the closet.

If he keeps this up, it'll soon be illegal to say his name in Florida schools.

The republican smear machine is always ready to run over anyone. Even its own errant members.