
Because they should be serving a home-cooked dinner to their husbands and 17 children!

If there's any uptick in voting this year, I suspect it'll be from that age demographic. 

I’m cautiously optimistic that maybe, just MAYBE more young people will be fueled to vote by this. I could be wrong.

As always, the first thing to attack a woman about when you feel she’s getting above herself is her perceived unfuckability. 🙄

Republicans hate education for everyone else but themselves. You don’t see Glenn Youngkin or Newt Gingrich or Tucker Carlson or Donald Trump going to public schools or sending their kids there.

Easy. Because as long as there's low voter turnout, they can always claim they speak for the majority of Americans. Low voter turnout merely proves them right. 

Its the same vein they view “wokeness” as a bad thing - awareness of the world around you is the worst thing in the minds of the republican party

What a weird stance to take. A fairly large and recently growing majority of Americans favor Roe v. Wade ( I don’t know where Republicans get the idea that they’re in the mainstream on the issue

I don’t get how eating by yourself is even an insult these days. Oh poor lady, you get to eat exactly what you want in complete peace.

I don’t know if it counts as a dog-whistle, but incels have been whining for years about how women who are educated have Opinions and Desires that may conflict with what men want, and with it more financial freedom that enables them to walk away from someone who wants to control them.

God forbid someone is over-educated! Like, what does that even mean? Republicans hate education because smart people generally lean Left.

“I’m an optimist, so if some guys cuts off your limbs and peels off your face, you’ve gotta take it as an opportunity! Roll with the punches! I mean, God has a plan. Look at my success!”

Thank you GOP for reminding me how trash tier a lot of my fellow Ohioans are.