
Ru for office, or figure out who will actually do the right thing, and support them.  And if you’re not sure, run for office.  If MTG and Lauren Boebert can get elected, then people with good social media skills and a good message can be elected, too.

Pissed? Yes - me too.

Can you imagine the material that the GOP/Heritage foundation have on those Senators who went to spend a few days with Putin over the 4th of July?  Let alone on Lindsay Graham? There’s a reason that they kowtow to DFG, as soon as they show any spine at all, and it’s not just “the voters”. 


Or what she’s saying is incorrect and making him angry, and he sure as heck knows not to let the jury see that!

5 of whom are your own, and 12 of whom are from your husband’s first marriage to his late wife...

This is a State Legislative issue (because we’ve got to assume that Roe v. Wade will be gone soon.) That means that WE need to get out, organize, and vote these assholes out of office. WE have to pay attention to State Legislative campaigns, and get the right people in there to stop this insanity. People: WE can do

Absolutely, 100%. I had a good pregnancy in my mid-30's, and it was hard on me. women with any of those conditions, women who don’t have office jobs, women, heck, with bad backs - any of that becomes torment, and torment forced on those poor women by a rapist. This woman is a terrible human being.

Actually, my thought was that it was a make up application gun - and I started imagining the many people killed when they got those confused with real guns and blew their faces off.

This is such a clear illustration of our current political problems; that some uneducated people are motivated to vote for politicians who are equally uneducated/unintelligent, because it makes them feel better. Welcome to Idiocracy -> Autocracy.

I just wanted to add: I wasn’t aware of Jada Pinkett Smith’s alopecia problem, and I truly feel sorry for her. That sucks. But, the thing is that she is just so lovely that I saw the photos of her on the red carpet in that amazing gown, and I sincerely didn’t notice her absence of hair. She just looks beautiful.

Excellent article, but I can only read 2 inches of it at  a time due to the massive Fidelity ad hovering over more than half my screen.

As terrifying as this all is - and it is - always keep in mind that Roe did not legalize abortion. Rather, it says that states cannot make it illegal. If Roe is overturned our job becomes clearer: we have to take power n the state legislatures. (Before Roe, pro-choice had that kind of power. Roe empowered the

Blackburn is auditioning for VP under Trump.  (She probably doesn’t look good enough for him, but...)

Do feel free to come to California. I hate Newsom, and Feinstein is old, but we are generally not a bad place, politically.

When I begin to despair of the outcome of this war, I remember Vietnam, and feel better.

Interesting to see if Thomas would support that position.

16 dating 23 y.o. - no! 36 dating 43 y.o. - reasonable. (my 2nd husb. had 9 years on me).

Anna was in a movie called “Mr. Right” with Sam Rockwell in which she played a mentally unstable woman who becomes, essentially an assassin (though not really for hire...) Greatest movie no one has ever heard of. I think it is because her character went too far against the “type” she usually portrays in movies. AND

I have, from time to time, introduced dinner to my dogs by using French. One night the dogs and I were hanging, and as they looked at me, I started trying to persuade them to ‘fess up that they could actually speak like humans (Not crazy, just joking). Then I switched to my execrable French and said, roughly, “Oh, so