
I sent my (progressive) Rep. an email tonight saying the same thing! Biden may not listen to us, but our Reps are likely to do so.

I don’t have a Pietta, but do have a single-action revolver that looks much like the one he was handling. I know from experience (training in safe handling prevented this from being a disaster) that pulling the hammer back part way and then letting it go can result in the weapon firing. Something like when you see


I now cringe as I suggest - perhaps VP?

The aborted fetus or the interests of the People of the Republic of Texas.  (really good comments on your part, BTW.)

So, this law strongly resembles Proposition 65 in California, enacted in ‘86, which allows individuals to seek penalties - and attorney fees - if a company sells a product that contains chemical(s) that can increase the risk of cancer or reproductive harm without warning the consumer about the risk. The result?

Oh, worse: I am a Boomer who responded to COVID by growing my hair out (looks great, thank you), and I have taken to using the ‘80's stand by of combs to keep it out of my face.  

And - this hurts me - drove from Santa Barbara to Rosarito - easily a 6 hour drive - with an infant and a toddler. Did he change their diapers? Did he give them bottles? Feed them? I can’t decide if it’s worse if he took care of them [knowing he was going to kill them], or tortured them on the way by neglect, so at

Oh, and Boxers... My aunt raised many when I was young, and I don’t think any lived beyond 6 years.

Pets are not people. Yes, they are intelligent, but there is no indication that they dearly want to stay alive to meet their grandchildren, or to see the next election, or to celebrate their spouses, next birthday.  When they are in pain, and treatment is uncomfortable and that won’t stop, it’s time to let them go,

In California, we have something very different but very similar. Private citizens are allowed to bring suit for products/location that they contend contain very low levels of cancer or reproductive harm inducing chemicals, with little oversight by the AG’s office. This has become a multi-million dollar a year

Yes!! When we were litigating this on a state-by-state basis (pre-Roe), choice was winning. Then Roe gave the right wing an issue they could use to rally the repressors, and here we are!

He was funny in the ‘60's - I’m one of those old folk who had - wait for it! - comedy albums! (Or my parents did). But aside from the fact that he has been disclosed as a monstrous rapist, I don’t think that comedy translates too well to today.

Exactly. As I recall, July 4th is the holiday that results in the most drunk driving arrests! 

Southwest still doesn’t serve alcohol, and announced that it won’t any time soon, in part thanks to this incident. But as someone who needs a buzz to conquer fear of flying, let me say that it’s a lot more than some alcohol at fault for these dirt bags.

They worship toxic masculinity, so he must be seen to fit that role.

Actually, over the last year I’ve grown my (brown) hair out, and while wearing a mask have been noticing the number of men who, well, chat with me. Like, “why is he till talking to me?”  Between mask and long hair, it’s like I’ve lost 20+ years.  I may keep this going...


Yes!  As someone who is working on being a vegetarian, getting a Subway veggie sandwich on flat bread is not something I have been able to duplicate elsewhere. 

Exactly - all the Subway sandwiches I have are hand assembled. Weird.