Angela Merkel's Boner

The reminder went out Friday to all employees, including Le Batard, according to an ESPN employee who spoke on condition of anonymity Saturday because the person was not authorized to speak publicly about personnel matters.

There’s always a tweet.

Apology accepted.

Another infuriating, stark reminder that abusers don’t fit any specific profile, they’re everywhere. Apologies for apparently being one of the few commenters who don't find this funny.

The Athletic released a statement saying Keri has been indefinitely suspended.

That's all well and good, but will Khris Davis pick it up enough to hit .247 for the fifth year in a row? That's the real drama in baseball, not this playoff mumbo jumbo 

Probably not the smartest move, but honestly, I’d like to see more acts of good sportsmanship like it.  Argue away Turner!

Passed balls by definition are on the catcher.  Wild pitches on the pitcher.  I know that’s not what you meant, but I’ve already typed this far....

The one thing I’ll say about Ray Ratto is he looks like a grizzled cop who’s too old for this shit and probably doesn’t even read Deadspin

It’s just you.

He looks like a lab-human that they grow rat parts on

Twas a bad day to be orange. 

Retired Heme/Onc.

I think we all hope you’re right, Doc.

Except my kids are too smart. “Five more times on the slide, huh old man? You can shove it up your ass because Im not gonna slide anymore. Now we never have to leave.”

“I did not speak to Kevin Durant directly, but I heard this from multiple sources. MULTIPLE. I mean twitter users DevinKurant, KDisAmazing35, NotKevinDurant, TheServantWasAGoodNickname and even WestbrookWasntThatGoodAndI-IMeanKevinDurantCarriedTheThunder.”

How are the Cardinals doing this year? 

Really?! That’s your thought process? A supremely talented athlete celebrating her efforts is the same as official state business. Maybe if she opens some brown people concentration camps, you’ll be in the same neighborhood as a legitimate point.

I’ve been fine with the goofs so far but I would caution the team that in the event of a goal against the Netherlands they should be careful with any finger in the dike celebrations