
I estimate that 25% of Kotaku readers are on the Autism spectrum, and another 25% of them are freaking kids who brag about banging my mom on the regular.

I’m more of a Stan Tekiela man, myself — but I may give yours a go, duder.

Autism is a hell of a drug

Source on growing? I’m calling BS.

This. Is. The. Worst. Like, I can’t even begin to list the number of possible third variables — to say nothing of the small sample sizes of the entirely random and unlike test batteries. Just. No.

Except the cost part. Which is what this article laid on me for the first time. Holy crap. How do they close the gap? 

Man. I’m done. Headed to Giant Bomb I guess. I’m not even annoyed by the content. This could have been a great story — and you guys find a way to just use someone’s preferred pronouns about 22 times and then sign off. I just can’t read this crap anymore. If it’s not entertaining, funny, insightful, informative OR

Kotaku reviews always have this weird narcissism baked into them. I don’t really disagree or take any exception to PH’s review — but there’s an awful lot of subjectivity and first person language above. Which is fine. I just want to read fewer and fewer of these reviews.

Um. Fable 3 might be fun for you. I liked it. People cried like bitches.

Your peen got replaced dude. Sorry to be the bearer of the bad news :(

Your peen got replaced dude. Sorry to be the bearer of the bad news :(

Wow. You’re so proving his point. Like. The point. Is. Your. Comment.

If you fill up a residential street with a bunch of cars featuring gaming stickers, you’re going to have a bad time. Don’t make eyesores. Don’t make noise. Don’t make people worry about their home resale values. It’s that easy.

Just because they didn’t like him didn’t make him lose all of the southern primaries. It came down to votes in places like the Carolinas

The world must be a very frightening, confusing place for you ... 🙃

Do you really not see the logical disconnects between those arguments? Like, they're not analagous broseidon.

AND they ignored the reasons why the Wii had such massive appeal to casual gamers and unexpected demographics. Nintendo execs live in a strange dream world — and I kind of love them for it.

Finally. Someone tells the geeks how it really is. No PC bullshit. Make Gaming Great Again.

Also, investment grade paintings appreciate in value. These cards... I just don't see it happening.

This is a spoiler isn't it? Listen here you precious little nitwit...

I don't know about you, but I'm super cool and nice to those guys.