Cletus Van Damme

“He’s too handsome, so I think he’ll cheat on me” is the accepted wisdom in China.

Well, you can be a highly intelligent person driven purely by self interest, which is what I would assume he is. Most of the time, people like that at least try to hide it, but he’s probably just arrived at the conclusion that he can just let his douche flag fly.

“It’s clear that Jia Yueting and his LeEco are key figures in laying out how our automotive future will look.”

I don’t know. Going into capcom Cup, he was looking like the best. They’re was no clear cut favorite, but none of the Japanese players had really distinguished themselves, Xiaohai had clearly dropped a step from his previous level of play, and Infiltration was way off his game. Du was steamrolling people. It was far

If they fit your ear holes perfectly, then they work great for you. The problem is that it’s an all or nothing affair since they don’t have replaceable tips. Great for some, miserable for others. I’m in the miserable camp.

Overall, he sounds awful, but I certainly agree with his “setting libertarians adrift at sea” proposal.

He has his own weird tick: constantly messing with his hair.

Not as bad as when your favorite book is Infinite Jest. I’ve just stopped recommending it entirely.

May they stab each other in the dicks for our enjoyment.

Update the inventory system too! That was the part I found most irritating when going back to it.

That guy sounds literally exactly what I’d expect a Department of Homeland Security employee to sound like.

Man, I know where you’re coming from. My dad is pushing 70 and his golfing buddies are all around the same age. When the ACA was being debated, his buddies were up in arms over the government being involved in their medical care. My dad asked them what they thought about their Medicare and they spoke glowingly of it,

Trump has been shown time and time again that lying is consequence free. As a completely unethical person, why wouldn’t he just lie his ass off to his braindead supporters?

Unless Flame Wall and Chain Lightning are insanely overpowered, I’m only mildly interested.

Sounds like a policy that’s just going to introduce a lot of complexity to my life ;)

Gotta agree. Even as an oversensitive white liberal, can’t say I as bothered at all by what he said.

Good review! But take back what you said about Photoshop!

“Multicultural rape”. Oooooookay.

Hahaha, that was the mental battle I was waging. Should I say Europa Universalis or CKII. I probably came down on the wrong side!

Most complicated game? Europa Universalis would like a word with you.